Community care law training & updates
Those of you who I have recently met at Deputy Days & various seminars and conferences have asked me for more information about the community care law training courses that Cate and I run in-house and also for MBL across England. For those who are Private Client solicitors and/or Professional Deputies and Attorneys, I hope that the links below are helpful.
I'm running another set of courses tomorrow afternoon and all day on Thursday in Southampton. Each course is 3 CPD hours and we cover:
- Safeguarding adults at risk & Court of Protection litigation
- The paying for care rules; and of course
- Challenging NHS Continuing Healthcare decisions.
Further dates and locations can be found on the MBL website via the following links:
Social Services Funding & Private Funding for Long Term Care
Safeguarding Best Interests & Court of Protection Litigation
Challenging NHS Funding Decisions
Follow our Martin Searle Solicitors LinkedIn page to keep up-to-date with other news!