Communications-Non Violent
Sateyandra Kumar Singh
Reliability and Maintenance Specialist in Oil an Gas Industry.AI-ML application consultant in Predictive MIntenance.
Situations decide your communications type.Like when you talk socially or professionally are customized accordingly.Also type of medium to communicate like phone , chat , writing or physical determines the way you want to communicate.
Private, Social and professionals have different ways when communicating to friends, relatives and colleagues.
Here emphasis is given to follow one rule when communicating in any situation and whoever you want to.It is someone called Nonviolent Communication.What does it actually mean?
In this our personality and background will determine how much we are violent in our communications whether personal or through writing or on phone.
We must communicate in any situation respecting others with pleasing surroundings and be careful in hurting sentiments of others.
One can communicate whatever manner .But condition is it must not make others uncomfortable through our intense words reflecting a type of violence through words as well non-suitable body language.
Above applies to friends, your spouse, close relatives as well professionals known or unknown even strangers.
We can understand it is difficult sometimes to be polite and firm in communicating your point of view or giving instruction or intensity. It also depends on others also.
However best strategy is to assert your point with firmness in any adverse situations also with pleasing smile and tone.
This we can call nonviolent communications and that is what is desirable step in developing our ways of excellent communications and needs to be encouraged particularly by those who have best education and are fortunate enough to influence the society. By practicing such nonviolent behaviors in communications will serve mankind as another milestone in our professional and personal world of communications.
Sateyandra Kumar Singh
Oil & Gas Professional.