Communication Strategies During Time of Change - Why "Withhold & Uphold"? Approach Can Ruin Your Organizational Culture?
Organisational Communication Types

Communication Strategies During Time of Change - Why "Withhold & Uphold" Approach Can Ruin Your Organizational Culture?

During?major change initiatives, everything is considered but not how and to who the change will be communicated.??Part of?any?plan for managing change??is how you're going to communicate that change.??This is an area where?many?detailed managers??make?serious?errors.??So often how things are going to get communicated??just doesn't get the same planning attention??as other aspects, like logistics or finances,??yet?it is vital for your success?and could be the reason to make it or break it.

Communication can be tricky because you don't?want your team to feel overwhelmed?and bombarded?with information??and unable to determine what they're supposed to do, yet?you also don't want them wandering in the dark??and creating their own rumors about what might be happening.??You need to find?a?middle ground of?this?information??and plan its distribution.?

One of?the most used models for communicating change??comes from Philip Clampett, Robert Koch, and Thomas Kashmin,??who studied strategies for communicating about uncertainty.??Their model compared the amount of information given??versus how leadership responded to request for information.??And what they found is that there is a sweet spot??for how you should communicate about uncertainty.?

  • Underscore and?Explor?Approach?is?the midway between releasing all the information?and withholding all the information.??The sweet spot is communicating just enough.?Management focuses on developing a few core messages clearly linked to organizational success, while actively listening for potential misunderstandings and unrecognized obstacles.?So give just enough details?so that?your employees engage more readily with the change,??but not so many details that they're overwhelmed??or intimidated.??This takes a bit more work,??as you need to first understand what each team??and sometimes each individual needs,??and then create messaging??that underscores what's important for them.??For example, the sales team needs different information??than the engineering team.??But just as much as your crafted message matters,??you also need to leave the door open??for questions and concerns from them?to explore.??Even the best communication strategies??might leave out details.?So allow your team to be curious??and ask for more relevant information.??This may help eliminate things that even you are unaware of.

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  • Spray and?Pray?Approach?is?at one end of the extreme, leadership releases all the information and expects that people will find what they need.??This can actually cause people to feel??like they don't have the information they need??and can lead to confusion.??
  • Withhold and?Uphold?Approach?is on the other end of the spectrum?when leaders release zero information and forbid asking questions?until necessary.?Secrecy and control are the implicit values of this?approach.??This leads to teams feeling disempowered, dissatisfied,??and the rumor mill can take over,??and rumors often run counter to organizational goals.??
  • Tell and?Sell?Approach?is?where leaders communicate a more limited set of messages, first telling employees about the key issues, then persuading them of the wisdom of their approach. More limited information is put out, but communication is still seen?in?a top down?manner. There is not much exploration?of the thoughts, needs or anxieties of others.??That's a sure-fire way to lose team's buy-in.??
  • Identify and?Reply?Approach?is where leaders just wait for people to ask,?then and only then reply with the?information regarding those questions.?it’s less effective because management is not fully in control of the process. What if staff members don’t ask questions??This?approach?leads to incomplete information and essential details??not getting to those?who?need it.??

The key to good change management communication is not just??about the amount of information you're going to share,??but having a clear plan?for what information gets shared??to whom and how?"?emails,?team meetings?,?posters, workshops, the intranet etc."?The more detailed your plan,?the more likely you are to be successful.?

Article is adapted from:?Clampitt, DeKoch, & Cashman, “A Strategy for Communicating about Uncertainty”, Academy of Management Executive, Winter 2000, 41- 57


Heba B. Ali - MSc , MCIPS Chartered的更多文章

