Neil Graham
CEO @ Spayse | Extraordinary Vision, First-Class Service and 25 Years in Hospitality Recruitment
So, the first thought for today will mean I am sticking my head above the parapet and on this occasion, a bullet proof helmet and full body armour will be worn!
We work in a people business. Hospitality is simply a business of people servicing other people, but often in the world of recruitment, the biggest complaint I hear is the lack of communication from one person to another.
So, for me who is a recruiter, there are three sides to the business and industry I work in, and I for one would like to encourage better communication between all three.
Professional Recruiters: The good, the bad and the downright fugleee. Here is my advice; take the time to respond to your applicants / candidates. I am sorry, but with automated email responses, ATS and CRM’s there should never be a reason why someone should not get a response from a recruiter, even if it is a “no thank youâ€. I feel everyone should be communicated and responded too.
Candidates: The old, the young and the somewhere in between. If you approach a recruiter or apply for a job, ensure your CV is correct and your contact details are clear. Keep an eye out for an electronic response, a call or a text and regularly check your junk folder. If you don’t hear back, always follow up, as there may be a reason you didn’t get a response. However, if you are told you are a regret, accept it and move on. Sending hate mail or venting to the person who sent the regret means you will close a door that one day you wished was still open!
Employers: The large, the small and the middle-sized ones. Remember, you have been in the applicants shoes yourself and the way you communicate with the applicant or worse still, not communicate at all, represents your brand. We are living more and more in a society where your brand is not just about its customer service, but its employee engagement. We all know the companies that have a bad reputation because of this, can you afford to be placed in the arena?