Communication Lets You Level Up
Two and half hours south of me in Washington is a city called Yakima, with a population of 97,000 people. Yakima is the birthplace of one my favorite motivational speakers -- Jim Rohn. I discovered him in college, and still remember a lot of the things he said, mostly his work on communication. I was interested in this topic because I was terrified of public speaking, and I was unable to completely avoid it in high school and undergrad. There was always that one class where I had to give a speech.
What I learned from those forced speeches was that I hated public communication and didn't see the use of doing it if I died of fear and mortification afterward. Here is where Jim Rohn came in. He said that the thoughts we allow into our heads were one of the two major influences on us; the other was the people we let in. I had allowed in the thought that I could not communicate, and a few teachers punctuated that with a grade.
A long way out of college now, I know for sure that communication is what allows you to reach your potential. It doesn't mean you have to speak to a crowd. A great singer/songwriter communicates to you even when they don't know you. Communication let's you learn from other people. If you want to learn about passive investing in apartments, please reach out. Don't let the fear that it won't work, or you can't understand it hold you back from checking it out. I do this work because it has meant so much to me, and I want to offer the same for other people.