Communication is the key
Astrid Oberhummer
Community Builder in Luxury Tourism | Privately Owned Agency for Sales & PR | Networking and Events
The world is upside down. When COVID-19 rushed into the world, many were speechless. In the times of Corona, one thing is essential: communication. This not only implies external communication, but also internal communication.
A lot has changed in our (office) everyday life since then. Like us, many employers had to send employees to their home office and short-time work. However, the regular contact and the flow of information within the team must not be interrupted. The weekly meeting or the short project update with a quick cup of coffee in the conference room gives way to soft zoom calls, WhatsApp chats and emails. It does not replace the personal conversation - but it comes pretty close to it. The employees in particular have an increased need to feel that they are informed, not forgotten and safe.
Due to the physical separation, a structured and transparent internal communication is most important. It is needed in order to remove fears, to offer orientation and to be able to classify the current development. Companies have to exercise their social responsibility and help to avoid panic and to communicate important guidelines and solutions in the fight against the crisis. In addition, to internal communication PR experts are in greater demand than ever before. In uncertain times like this, the ability to convey important information quickly and understandably is of great importance. Communication must be honest, transparent and sincere. Trust is the be-all and end-all. We are convinced, communication is the link that holds everything together in a crisis.
After all, communication with partners, colleagues and employees must continue - and as long as the ban on physical contact applies, it will continue to happen virtually.
Do you need support in internal and external communication? We tell your stories, inspire the right stakeholders and support you - even beyond the Corona period.