KimAlyse Popkave, M.Ed., CMI, CPPC, LPDG
Life is not meant to be lived alone or in a vacuum. As humans, we are, typically, social beings. Communication is vitally important in building successful, satisfying relationships. In fact, communication is THE MOST IMPORTANT component in any relationship.
We build different types of relationships, throughout life, depending upon our situations, goals, and interests. These include business relationships, social relationships, family relationships, and intimate relationships. The thread that runs through all of these is the need for communication that is clear, open, honest, and respectful.
So, what are some of the problems that arise through lack of communication or faulty communication?
In business, lack of open, honest communication can result in the following:
· Lost Sales
· Lost Clients
· Loss of reputation
· Eventual Demise of Business
In social relationships (friends, acquaintances, social media), lack of honest, respectful communication can result in:
· Lost friendships
· Loneliness
· Damaged Personal Reputation
In family relationships, lack of open, honest, loving communication can result in:
· Frustration
· Hurt Feelings
· Family not being close-knit
· Feeling unloved
In intimate relationships, lack of open, honest, loving communication can result in:
· Loneliness
· Feelings of frustration
· Feeling unloved, unwanted
· Depression
· Loss of intimacy
So, what can we do to have successful, satisfying relationships that do not result in all the negatives listed above? Realize that all of these types of relationships require serious effort. We must work to build relationships built on trust. How? Through constant communication. As previously stated, communication is truly the MOST IMPORTANT element in any type of relationship. We must communicate from the HEART. Respect for everyone in the communication situation is vital. Respect yourself and others and respect your relationship. Talk about important issues. Talk about the relationship. Be open. Listen to each other, not just with your ears and your mind, but also with your HEART. Be honest. Be understanding. Be compassionate. In this way, your relationships will be successful.
For more communication information, please see my book
PATH TO POWERFUL COMMUNICATION: Six Steps for Effectively Presenting Your Ideas
Find it on Amazon. My Author page is:
? 2022 KimAlyse Popkave, M.Ed., CPPC, LPDG