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Whether you’re new here or have been a long time fan, being able to communicate and connect with so many of you inspires me on the regular. Maybe you’ve heard me speak in person or through a podcast episode, and something about what I had to say made you stick around. I have honed in on my communication skills so they’ve become second nature to me!
If you struggle with communicating, I’ve been there.
- Utilize Your Body Language: How annoying is it when you’re trying to talk to someone and they’re facing away from you, looking at something else, or not responding to what you’re saying? It’s important to face the person openly (not with crossed arms!) and indicate with your body by nodding or shaking your head to show you’re engaged.
- Maintain (reasonable) Eye Contact: Be careful with this one because I’ve seen people take it too far. Making eye contact shows you’re not shy or afraid, but confident in what you’re communicating. BUT! Too much eye contact can come across as creepy or an attempt to be dominating. If you’re ever at a loss for how much to use, let the other person take the lead and mimic their movements slightly.
- Ask Questions: There’s no better way to show interest with someone than by asking questions. Especially when working with potential business connections or clients, you want to make sure you’re understanding AND being understood. Asking clarifying questions, and simply stopping yourself every once in a while and checking with the person that you’re making sense are two helpful ways to communicate effectively.
- Overuse Big Words: While it may be imperative for one to conduct oneself knowingly and with the utmost expertise…….zzzz…. exactly! Overusing complex words or sentence structures to try to sound smarter only hurts you. Be confident with what you know.
- INTERRUPT! Nobody likes being interrupted. This one sounds straightforward but it can still happen in sneaky ways. That one friend that always finishes your sentences? Interruption isn’t just cutting someone off mid sentence, it’s also taking away the opportunity for someone to speak or think. I’ve also noticed in my personal life I’m always interrupting guys on first dates, so I’ve stopped doing that. Let people finish their sentence and THEN jump in!
- Make Assumptions: This is a little less tangible than the others, but it is definitely the most important. Assuming you know anything about someone you’re communicating with, anything that they haven’t told you themselves, is a huge mistake. The waitress you’ve been making polite conversation with? She may run a catering business on the side and could use your expertise. Take every conversation as an opportunity to learn about someone else.
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Stay Fearless or Die Trying,