Communication That Clicks

Communication That Clicks


The Art of Communication - Part 1

Project management is 90% communication. But communication that motivates people to get things done is more than just relaying information; there’s an art to it!

Project leaders need to ask:

  • What does each person need in order to do their part on this project?
  • How do I get them to do the thing I need them to do?

We’re often pressured to “be more efficient.” Get things done better and faster—hurry! hurry! hurry!

But if you want to get people to act, you can’t think, “What’s most efficient for me?” You have to think, “What’s most efficient for we?” —the project, the team, and the end goal.

Let's say I need to check on the status of an editing task with a team member. If I message my colleague and simply ask, "Did you edit that article yet?", the chances are slim that they’ll know which article I'm referring to, where to find the file, and when the edits are due. So they may just ignore my question!

Sure, asking the question was efficient for me. But did it accomplish what we, the team, need to keep things moving forward? Nope!

Project managers often have all the responsibility and none of the authority to run projects. We rely on people who don’t report to us and have 20 other things they need to do!

We’re competing with crowded inboxes and chat threads, vying for people’s attention with limited leverage.

So how can we communicate in a way that gets a response and spurs action?

Over the next few issues, I’ll share some strategies for doing just that!

On the journey with you,

Jennifer Hamel, PMP


Do people typically respond to your emails or DMs when you need something from them?

What are the most effective approaches you’ve found that get others to act?

(Please?share your ideas in the comments!?We’re always looking for fresh ideas that work.)


AI: Your Shortcut to Solutions

By Gordon Wu , Business Manager/Event Coordinator

What do you do when a problem emerges? Oftentimes, schedule a brainstorming session.

While brainstorming with key stakeholders can be helpful, these meetings can be hard to schedule quickly. And they may not result in clear next steps when many people (and ideas) are in the room.

So, how can you get from brainstorming to solutions faster with fewer meetings?

Consider using AI to help you take a first stab at ideating solutions—no meetings required! Here’s how:

Identify the core problem

Define the issue at hand. If you need to clarify or outline the project’s goals, try using an AI tool like ChatGPT.

Prompt: Brainstorm the possible core problem that is resulting in low motivation and productivity among employees.

Generate ideas with AI

Use ChatGPT to develop initial possible solutions.

Prompt: Based on the core problems listed, generate the top 10 solutions you think would be most effective. Display them in a table with the expected level of effort, complexity, and how you'd suggest they be prioritized.

View the AI results here.

Present initial solutions

Share the AI-generated solutions with your team and gather feedback from relevant stakeholders. Use a shared document with a clear response deadline.

Now you have the feedback you need to refine possible solutions and help the team decide on the best one!

AI can provide a solid starting point, eliminating hours of discussion and reducing the time it takes to land on a final decision. Try it out!


10 Minutes of Gratitude

By Carolyn Wildermuth , Project Coordinator

There’s always something to be grateful for, even when life is hard.?

This month, in the spirit of Thanksgiving, set a timer for 10 minutes and jot down a list of all the things you’re grateful for.?

Need some inspiration? Here’s a list of?101 Things?to get you thinking.

I love the simplicity of this list. It made me realize how much I take the little things in life for granted.

May this brief moment of gratitude add a touch of joy to your day.

Thanks for reading!

Your friends and fans,

Way Forth Collective

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