Communicating in the modern world.

Communicating in the modern world.

Interpersonal skills are a much-needed skill as it’s related to how we interact and share information, feelings, and intent with others.

?A big part of interpersonal skills is Interpersonal communication. Made up of verbal and non-verbal communications, it’s crucial to accountability, motivation, leadership, teamwork, managing conflict, collaboration and building relationships.

Prior to Covid when face-to-face human interaction was the norm the act communicating with others was easier as it’s the way we’ve always done it. In person meetings, gatherings, in office discussions were all the norm without question. And along with this we could communicate holistically – we could read body language, we could have a “quiet,” word with someone, somewhere, in the office. In meetings attention span was usually focused, and we could feed off each other’s anergy levels. Interaction at the coffee machine was alive where jokes or, “did you hear about?” stories being told – everything contributing to the development of interpersonal skills and communication.

With remote working now very much part of our reality, challenges have arisen that complicate the effectiveness of interpersonal skills and communication.

Human interaction is less, meetings are online - talking to a screen, reading from a screen, and when working from home there could be domestic distractions to throw into the mix affecting our focus.


So, what can we do to effectively communicate when more of our time is online?

Preferred Communication.

Each of us prefer to communicate differently – some like messaging, some emails, and some calls – you can’t make everyone happy but find out about the individual team members preferences and keep it in the back of your mind. Where possible communicate with them personally in their preferred style.

Active listening .

?It has been said that listening is the leader in a conversation. The person who listens, allows the other to speak, share information and feel comfortable. However, we do need to speak as it would be a both weird if we all just waited to listen, but have you ever noticed how the quieter ones usually come up with great points of view, and just by a word or two can lead a conversation.




Don’t interrupt!

Interrupting is a passive form of aggression. When we interrupt, ?we’re saying, “my point of view is more worthwhile than yours, you don’t matter, I’m more important than you.” Continuous interrupting also breaks down bonds and connections.

It’s not always …just about work…!

Banter happens and ideas are shared at the office water cooler and coffee machine. It builds connection, can be fun and leads to collaborations. Setting up a mutually beneficial, timed, personal call with the team member – just to touch base or catch-up works. (Not for all as they might prefer an email or message conversation.) Either way, a light hearted moment, without stepping over any boundaries – could be something to consider.

Online team meetings can be a minefield, but they needn’t be.

·???????? Set the time, length, ?and the expectations.

·???????? Make it a standing only meeting to keep it short and to the point.

·???????? Video’s on or off – should be determined – videos on offers more accountability and presence.

·???????? Online ice breakers – they work. They don’t have to be long, but can be fun, or developmental or team building – they can take the mundane out of “the next meeting.”

·???????? For any personal issues that arise take it outside.


It’s so easy to disagree with a person’s opinion online and tear into them from the comfort of your screen.

I have 2 reminders for myself when communicating online.

1.????? “Speak to others the way I prefer to be spoken to,”

2.????? When someone writes or posts something ?- whether directed at me or someone else that I don’t agree with, I do something else for a few moments so that I don’t respond emotionally.

#interpersonalcommunication #interpersonalskills #leadership


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