Communicate with Sales as if they are your customers
If every employee could communicate at will with customers, businesses would soon look like overcrowded bulletin boards. Most companies hire professionals to orchestrate and execute their communication strategies. The goal is to make the communications easy to understand and consistent with business objectives.
Companies want to maximize the effectiveness of their external communications for obvious reasons. Still, they seem willing to take their chances when communicating with their sales teams. Even though sales reps have unique information needs, many companies blend Sales Communications with other internal communications. It is not unusual to see sales-usable content mixed with HR information, wellness campaigns, and DEI messages. This practice is counterproductive as it forces sales reps to spend their valuable time distilling content that will help them advance the sales process.
Companies can win back hours of selling time per week by adopting a more deliberate strategy for their communications with Sales. Sales Communications experts can help reduce the noise, ensure the quality of the content, and optimize the delivery of this content to the sales teams. The business will grow when companies communicate with Sales as if they are customers.
To get an idea of how much incremental revenue this might generate, you can try the Road2Revenue Calculator.
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