Communicate to prosper and grow
As I have studied organizations over the spectrum of size, intelligence, ownership, compensation, and commitment, one quality stands apart in terms of superior performance over competitors: communication. It is really amazing.
We all think we communicate well, but just think back to our most recent incident of being misunderstood or not really understanding what was said due to faulty communication.This is seen among sports team where some of the communication is unspoken. This is possible by the simple glance. Words are often the worst communication agent.
We have learned in various personality assessments that different people need different amounts and different types of communications recieved before they understand or take action.
In addition to all the we work we do to try to get it right through vision, mission and various statements, we need to understand that the core team around us need to be highly efficient in their communication in order to perform well together and this does not happen automatically. It is worth the effort to invest in this intangible for superior results.