Gonzales High School in Gonzales, California, recently made the decision to invest in a synthetic turf field for all of its students. The school had previously run into the issue that many California schools face: bad weather that leads to a muddy, unusable, and expensive natural grass field. To fix this problem, the school switched to a turf field – the athletic director even noted the relief that teachers would feel, knowing their students wouldn't be restless in the classroom after being forced to skip P.E.

Local communities and families across California are choosing synthetic turf because of its numerous benefits. By making the choice to go with turf for a sports field or a residential landscape, Californians are expanding access to their fields and yards year round, helping to protect the environment and lowering costs so communities can maximize their resources.? Turf expands access for all, replacing muddy or dusty playgrounds, sports fields, and backyards to provide year-round outdoor enjoyment. Take for example students at Highland Elementary School in Visalia, who were able to enjoy more time outside after their dry and grass-less playground was replaced with a green, vibrant, and playable turf field. In short, synthetic turf removes the uncertainty of where children will play after school or if there will be a place to exercise, and instead provides multi-use opportunity, remains usable in the rain or shine, is reliable, and increases access for all communities year-round.?

In addition to expanding access, there are environmental benefits to synthetic turf.? For one, artificial turf uses significantly less water than natural grass. One synthetic turf field alone can save 500,000 to one million gallons of water each year. And, based on the total number of these fields in North America, about six billion gallons of water are saved annually. For families who are utilizing turf as part of their residential landscape, they too are helping to reduce water usage. In fact, an average turf lawn of 1,800 square feet will save an estimated 99,000 gallons of water annually. These water savings can add up to $500, or 70% of a homeowner's average water bill.?

When communities and households turn to turf, they also eliminate the need for using chemicals to maintain grass. On average, 80 million pounds of pesticides are used across the United States each year to maintain natural grass. That use is reduced to zero with the installation of turf.

Synthetic turf also allows communities and households to reduce costs and be judicious with resources. In 2021, a comparative study found that on average the cost of 40 events per year for natural grass fields was about $1,362.50. Artificial turf brings that per event cost down significantly: the average annual cost of 1,000 events for synthetic turf is $3.85. These costs are based on a 10-year usage cycle, showing that turf stands the test of time – saving communities money in the long run. Turf fields also save communities time and money in maintenance, removing the need for a lawn mower, yard chemicals, or watering. These fields are also known for their durability and long lifespans. They can endure more than 500 hours of use before requiring maintenance.?

For athletes, synthetic turf is also reliable.? A study found that there was no difference in ACL injuries for NCAA soccer players during matches on natural grass and synthetic turf, and even that those who practiced on natural grass had an increased risk of ACL injury compared to those practicing on turf. The latter also provides a consistent playing surface. As Super Bowl winning former NFL quarterback, Eli Manning, says, "I think the turf, it gives you a reliable field all the time." He went on: "You always have a clean surface."

Turf brings communities together in rain or shine and provides these same communities with a surface to enjoy year-round. The impact of turf goes big – in water conservation – and small – by cutting maintenance costs for elementary schools right here in California and across the country. While state lawmakers, cities, and counties debate this issue, there are many benefits to synthetic turf that should be a big part of the conversation.?

Melanie Taylor is the president and CEO of the Synthetic Turf Council (STC), a non-profit trade association serving the synthetic turf industry. Shaun Garrity is a resident of San Diego and works as the national sales manager for The Motz Group, a sports field builder and product supplier that is a member organization of STC.

Absolutely! Turning to synthetic turf is a wise and sustainable choice. ?? As Albert Einstein said, "Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better." It's all about conserving our precious water resources while also meeting our needs. Keep making green choices! ?? #sustainability #naturewisdom



