The Commprise Friday 5 - 8/19/22

The Commprise Friday 5 - 8/19/22

Cyber Risks When Employees Work on "Hybrid Holidays"

"Hybrid holidays" are catching on this year. This happens when employees stay in a vacation spot longer than the vacation itself and work from that domain. The biggest risk is Wi-Fi connections. Your location, browsing history, and purchasing information can be seen by infiltrators of the network.

7 Cybersecurity Tips for Summer Vacation

Sophos gives guidance on digital security for your summer. Suggestions include making a backup of your devices before travel, encrypting, being prepared for international travel and cameras, being careful with public Wi-Fi, don't use kiosks with personal information, and asking before you bring your work computer. 

How to Stop Google Calendar Invite Spam

Google has announced that there is now an option to stop invites to events you never wanted to go to. There is now an option to only show events that come from a sender you know. If you choose this option, the only people that can send you invitations would be internal employees, people in your contacts, and others you have interacted with previously.

Timer Counts Down the Loss of Your Data

Usernames and passwords are being hijacked by claiming accounts have been accessed at a new location, and the account will be deleted unless verification is done. A countdown timer starts to scare the victim. The logins are then sold for profit. 

FBI Recovered $500k from the Maui Ransomware Group

The FBI recently recovered ransomware payments made via bitcoin to Maui, the North Korean group targeting western countries. Hospitals in Kansas and Colorado, among others, paid the group. 



