The Common Thread
May 22, 2024
Acts 1:3. Proverbs 31 ( None of us know exactly when we will die. As a believer, this should spur us on to live our lives as if any moment could be our last. How do we want to be caught living at the moment of our last breath? Jesus lived His life intentionally to serve His Father in Heaven. Let’s live ours like His, intentionally serving Him.
2 Chronicles 16:1-9. Our Daily Bread ( As we serve Him intentionally, let’s be sure to keep our spiritual edge by relying on and fully depending on the Lord. This is something that we must do every day. Stay fully committed to Jesus.
Job 42:5. Harvest ( The Lord doesn’t come to us in our timing or in a way we may expect. When we are in a time of crisis, we often miss Jesus amid it because we aren’t looking to/for Him in it. He is there, we just need to look. As we intentionally serve Him and stay fully committed to Him, let’s keep looking to and for Him in everything. He is always right on time.
Do you know Jesus? He is returning soon for those who believe and longs for a relationship with you. Because He came from His throne as King in Heaven to earth to die in your place for your sins so you could have forgiveness and rose again, you have the hope of eternity. He took the sting of death and the grave for you! This is His free gift to you! All you need to do to accept that gift is simply admit you are a sinner in need of Jesus the Savior, believe that He is Lord,? believe He died and rose again for those sins, and call on the name of the Lord, and confess that He is Lord and Savior of your life (Romans 10:8-13). For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord (Romans 6:23). Be ready for His return. Know the hope of spending eternity in Heaven.