The Common Thread
April 16, 2024
1 Corinthians 15:58a-b. Proverbs 31 ( Everything we do matters for eternity. Amid battles, it may not feel like we are making a difference for God’s Kingdom, but anything we do for and in the Lord is never in vain. When our hearts align with His will and stand firm in it, He shines in us. Let Him be the Rock we stand on even when things are hard. Keep shining His light.
Ephesians 4:1-7, 11-16. Our Daily Bread ( When things are hard, we must keep using our gifts. Our lives should mirror Jesus in all that we do, including the gifts He’s given us. To do that, we must read His Word daily, pray, and go to church. Live life worthy of your calling.
John 1:42. Harvest ( We all perceive ourselves with differing values. Jesus values us tremendously. Just as an artist brings value to a piece of work, Jesus is the value of each life. He knows each of us and the potential we have. Let God define you and your potential, keep shining His light knowing it’s never in vain, and live worthy of your calling.
That said, do you know Jesus? He is returning soon for those who believe and longs for a relationship with you. Because He came from His throne as King in Heaven to earth to die in your place for your sins so you could have forgiveness and rose again, you have the hope of eternity. He took the sting of death and the grave for you! This is His free gift to you! All you need to do to accept that gift is simply admit you are a sinner in need of Jesus the Savior, believe that He is Lord,? believe He died and rose again for those sins, and call on the name of the Lord, and confess that He is Lord and Savior of your life (Romans 10:8-13). For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord (Romans 6:23). Be ready for His return. Know the hope of spending eternity in Heaven.