The Common Thread
November 15, 2023
Exodus 3:14-15. Proverbs 31 ( The Lord was, is, and will always be. He breathed life into each of us. As His creation, He cares deeply for us and walks with us through difficulties, pain, and fear. No matter what we are facing, we can always go to Him. He is always there with open arms and the peace we need.
Luke 10:38–42. Our Daily Bread ( There are always going to be things pulling us in different directions in life. They can distract us or drive us to the feet of Jesus. Let’s be like Mary and take time to be at the feet of Jesus and learn from Him.
Exodus 3:15. Harvest ( The Lord sometimes gets our attention in different, unordinary ways. Even if it feels like the worst thing, it can be the best. That’s why it’s so important for us to go to Him, learn from Him, spend time with Him, and find the only peace we can ever have. Trust His divine appointments.
Do you know Jesus? He is returning for those who believe soon and longs for a relationship with you. He came from His throne as King in Heaven to die in your place for your sins so you could have forgiveness and the hope of eternity. He took the sting of death and the grave for you! This is His free gift to you! All you need to do to accept that gift is simply admit you are a sinner in need of Jesus the Savior, believe that He is Lord,? believe He died and rose again for those sins, and call on the name of the Lord, and confess that He is Lord and Savior of your life (Romans 10:8-13).