The Common Terms Used in Hotels that You Might Not Know
Language ties up the hospitality industry, consisting of many different roles and professions, including vendors, suppliers, hotel staff, event planners, including us as customers.
Hence, there's nothing wrong of knowing some of the most used terms in the hospitality industry. Here are a few.
1. Bed down: Putting the bed down on the floor.
As a customer, a bed down is something we have to avoid. Hotels prohibited customers to do bed down, and if caught doing so, customer has to pay a fee.
2. House Count: The total guest occupancy of a hotel at any given moment.
This number can change every night, depending on what day it is.
3. Lanai:?A room that has a balcony or patio with an overlook of water or a garden.
A lanai is a private space attached to an apartment, house, or hotel and typically features at least one wall open to the elements. It can act as a second living room and is typically found in warmer climates.
4. Positive Space: A confirmed reservation.
This means that you're booking is confirmed or you're no longer on a waiting list.
5. Shoulder Nights: Nights that have less occupancy than peak nights.
This is the night following a peak day. For example, Sunday is a shoulder night because it usually has lower demand than Saturday. Sunday here is the shoulder night.
Now you know most of the terms used in hotels that explains certain situation. Know more? List it down below.