Common Questions about Cataracts
Dr. Marie T. Burke

Common Questions about Cataracts

What are cataracts??

Cataracts are a clouding and hardening of the natural clear lens inside of the eye leading to reduced best corrected vision, reduced ability to see contrast in color, and increased problems with glare and haloes. Oftentimes cataracts develop slowly, and patients do not realize how much their vision is affected.?

What causes cataracts??

There are many different types of cataracts, but the most common type is age related cataracts. Factors such as diabetes (Type 1 and Type 2), steroid use, ultraviolet light exposure, smoking, and trauma around the eye can greatly accelerate the formation of cataracts.?

What are symptoms of cataracts??

Common symptoms of cataracts include blurred vision even with current glasses, needing more light to read and to do detailed work, glare or haloes at nighttime or on sunny days, and changes in the perception of colors.?

What can I do to slow down the development of cataracts??

Cataracts are a normal aging change but wearing sunglasses, not smoking, and managing chronic diseases like diabetes will help slow down the formation of cataracts.??

How are cataracts treated??

The only treatment for cataracts is surgery. Before surgery, an intraocular lens implant is selected to be placed inside of the eye at the time of surgery. Cataract surgery is done in an outpatient surgery center. The eye is numbed, and patients are given medication through an IV that will make them relaxed. They will not see any of the surgery being performed. Typically, patients see a kaleidoscope of colors and shapes. Patients go home shortly after the surgery.?

What intraocular lens implant options are available??

There are many different types of intraocular lens implant options that will allow patients to achieve their desired visual results. The monofocal traditional lens is the only lens covered by insurance. Toric lenses help correct astigmatism, and accommodative lenses and multifocal lenses allow patients to see at near, intermediate, and distance ranges without glasses. Not every patient is a candidate for every lens. It is important to have a comprehensive eye examination and discussion with an ophthalmologist to determine the best implant option.?

What is the recovery time for cataract surgery??

Cataract surgery is one of the easiest surgeries that patients will ever have done. Typically, patients return to driving within 24 hours. Vision typically sharpens up within the first few days after surgery. Oftentimes patients do a series of eyedrops to help with the healing process and prevent infection.?

What are common misconceptions about cataract surgery??

The most common misconception about cataract surgery is that patients will be glasses free after the surgery.? Commonly, patients will still need glasses following a successful cataract surgery. Final visual outcomes are determined by the intraocular lens implant and existing pathology in the eye that can limit vision. Having a discussion with the surgeon about eye exam findings and expectations of vision following the surgery to determine the best implant option for each patient is important as every eye is unique.?

Article by: Marie T. Burke, M.D.

Specializes in: Cataract Surgery and General Ophthalmology


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