Common mistakes of the past
Jerry Wilcox, RAS
Architectural Consultant at ArchSpec, Registered Accessabilty Specialist
This is one of the most commonly use accessories in class "A" office space, and the question is does this meet ADA Law and TAS code?
The clearance between the inside of any Grab Bar and the wall is 1-1/2". In the ADA law and TAS code this is know as an "ABSOLUTE" dimension. By law and code nothing can impinged on this clearance.
Therefore; this commonly used Accessory having a 3/16" deep flange projection would exclude its use in an Accessible or Ambulatory stall. Yet there are thousands of these installed every year in new restrooms all over the US. In Texas most of the time this mistake will be caught by a RAS inspector in the pre-construction plan review stage, which saves on costly post bid change orders change orders. This ADA/TAS plan review process in Texas also saves the Building owners from costly ADA civil rights lawsuits.