Common Mistakes To Avoid When Sending A Legal Notice

Common Mistakes To Avoid When Sending A Legal Notice

While drafting any document there are points that should be kept in mind. Every document has it’s different requirements and need to be drafted with utmost care. Now when you come to the legal notice then you know that this document can save you from the forgery and gamble that happened to you. So when you get your legal notice drafted by an advocate then there are things to avoid in legal notice.

Common Mistakes in Legal Notice & it’s Remedies

The first thing one should keep in mind while writing a legal notice:

Whenever you used to write an essay or an article in school the first thing you used to do was keep points that should not to be missed. The important ones are missed out many times. Likewise, while you make your advocate write your Legal Notice nothing should be missed. A legal notice is a very crucial document which can settle many things for you which are at stake. From scratch things should be dictated to the advocate like how the surroundings took place then the reason that made the table turns lastly how the circumstances ended up like this where a Legal Notice has to be sent to the opposite party. These points will only make your stance clear and strong from every corner of the page in the eyes of the Law.

Proof Reading of the Content Delivered:

From many points proof reading your own content is important. When the advocate drafts your legal notice your proofreading is most important because you are the one who knows the facts & figures clearly. So if there is any point that is missed or a common mistake in legal notice

then you can get it clarified then and there itself. A crucial document should be clear-cut.

Correct Details of the Client and Opposition Party:

The thing to avoid in legal notice is incorrect details of the parties. A Legal Notice is prepared on Advocates LetterHead so it is written at the very starting of the legal notice only. The figures of the Address should be correct. Along with the Address, other important details should mentioned properly.

Mention of All the modes through which it is been sent:

Modes is a very tiny information which can be easily missed but it holds very much importance. Until and unless you don’t mention the modes in the Legal Notice the receiver will not be knowing that you have sent the legal notice with through other modes also. Else ignoring it will be easy for the receiver and you won’t be able to get the compensation that you deserve. It also shows to the authorities that you tried every possible way to convey to stance to the receiver.

Make sure the Legal Notice has Advocates Stamp and signatures:

As you already know that a legal notice is made on an advocate's letterhead, also it should contain the stamp and signature on all the pages of the legal notice. Though it doesn’t matter of how many pages a legal notice is. But if anyone one page misses the stamp or signature then it would be considered valid in the eyes of law.

What can you do against a legal notice?

There is not only things to avoid in legal notice while drafting it but if you receive a legal notice then what can you do for it. There are ways through which you can help yourself with. Such as:

The thing you can do is to acknowledge it. By receiving and replying on it will only make situation easier for you. Avoiding the legal notice will make everything difficult for the receiving party since it will label that the receiving party is at fault and all the accusation mentioned in the notice is correct. Scan the whole legal notice so that you are clear with the facts on what assertion you were blamed.?

Always counter the claims and justify your points aggressively because if the case goes to the court the you have the legal notice as an evidence.Try amend the situation by agreeing to recovery damages else look for other solution to wrap up the mess created by both parties.?????

Can I file a case against legal notice?

?Filing case is easy but if you have sent a legal notice then you shouldn’t hurry. Give time to the receiver to reply when no response is received then you are free to take case to th court and file law suit against the reciever.



