Common Misperceptions about Data Virtualization (podcast)
Being in a sales role @ Denodo, pioneers in the field of #datavirtualization, for these past 7+ years, I've had conversations with dozens and dozens of customer prospects exploring this unique means of integrating data without moving data. Often when I have that elevator-pitch, surface-level conversation with a new prospect, I'm met with skepticism because for a newcomer to #datavirtualization, it may sound too good to be true.
"You mean to tell me I can integrate my SAP manufacturing data with my Salesforce customer prospecting data with my historical sales data in my data warehouse without having to ETL and copy and migrate and move around a bunch of data ? I'll believe it when I see it.", is pretty much how many of these initial conversations go.
However, once we get beneath the surface and I explain the secret sauce behind Denodo being able to integrate disparate sources of data in a performant manner that is on par with the performance of the data all residing in a single source, my #datavirtualization evangelism is most often successful.
Based on the most common questions I've received from customer prospects over the years, we've recorded this podcast to discuss the common misperceptions surrounding data virtualization. If you're on a journey of considering #datavirtualization for a project , consider this your "Data Virtualization 101" course with yours truly, "Professor" Chris Walters, as today's instructor. There'll be an exam next week so enjoy your DV discovery journey and share your newfound wisdom with others. Class dismissed !