Common man bears the brunt!
Sultan Akhtar Patel
Qatar is on the hit list! This defaulting tiny nation has done a grave offence, as other Gulf nations put it, by dishonoring the accord reached among them. Without doubt, Qatar should be punished. But what is Qatar and for that matter any nation! Every nation, big or small, is the mass of people. When the specific leadership goes off track, that leadership in to to, ought to be brought into center and deserve to be punished in whatever terms, tendencies or tenacity. However, is that happening?! Who engages in the act of omission and commission and who is paying the price? It is poor, hapless, hopeless and somehow trying to push along their personal lives are normally at the receiving end!
Those talking of nation, nationalism and national pride are hardly aware of the definition on state. Being the student of Public Administration, I am taught that state can never be defined. Some say, it is territory, some say, it is mass of people, some say it is administration and what not! When state cannot be defined, why the world leadership is thumping its chest on state and its welfare. True welfarism is the common good of all human beings assembled at the place and want to live peacefully and grow collectively in different trade and talents. If any leadership can do any thing maximum it is to channelize the whole energies for growth and development. Leadership should never lose sight of the fact that they have got to be honest and they are answerable. By blending egotism and ruthlessness, leadership goes off the rail and reduced to be less considerate and compassionate.
By snapping ties, stopping transport, cutting connectivity of every kind, whom you are punishing? In fact, common man is gravely affected. The daily wheel of his routine shall come to a screeching halt. People will start running helter skelter, tiny kids will starve for food, women, handicapped, old people all are on the firing line. We have seen Syrian Crisis evolved into a small boy Aylan Kurdi who washed ashore. Humanity wept on that day. Ignorant were digging graves for their own little kids burying them alive. Today's situation is no different rather mass graves are not needed, they are just smoked out by WMD. And yet, leadership is not giving a second thought. This task is not manly if the whole nation is punished. This is blatantly irrational.
Lots of jobs are lost, thousands are buying whatever they have in panic in the fear that the country will be resourceless by laying a siege around. It is only a few days back, everything was normal and abruptly wheel of life has started moving reversely. Why?! If one man is defaulter, he alone should be punished and not the whole nation and its people. Humanity demands that if single life is lost due to this unreasonable attitude, the day is not far off when the imposing leadership will be lined before the Almighty and asked to do recompense.
Erring individual has to be treated the way he deserves. Punishing the whole nation is akin to throwing baby with the bathwater. It is purely insensitive. It is not leadership. It is hooliganism that harasses the common man for the fault of leadership.