???????? Good evening, to all my followers, supporters, future clients, investors, and linkedin family.
You know my stance, common sense theories, laws, and probability over everything.? Automobile industries, governments entities, school, universities, department stores, such as Target, Walmart, and other large daily shopping stores as well as the small ones. Gold shops, diamond shops, hair shops, shoe shops, Phones shops, like Apple’s iPhone, in other words any business or corporation with merchandise that amounts to a large value.
First understand, all these insecurities were created by the government. This new wave of selfish, vile, and inhumane, people, that only seeks power to enrich their own selfish fetishes, in a fictious way, that loves, and enjoy the power that impacts people’s livelihood in a way that they see it fit. Is the same reason for this disturbance across the world. By not voting on policies, wanting to de-fund the government, ban books, racial bans, loosing tax’s payers’ money with false allegations as I seek for a lawsuit in misuse of tax dollars. They want to break the system, to have a lawless country,? and to make you believe that it’s the persons in charge fault, all the while it’s the fools behind the curtain. But everyone plays a part in this division, especially the news which no doubt, is the biggest world platform next to social media, every time they speak of something or someone it’s between parties, when countries are mentioned, they are considered as countries, and when it is spoke upon it is spoken as a whole, not as divided. I truly believe in GenZ’s future they will see World War III, if you all don’t end this non-sense now. To simply denounce history, and to teach hate because you can’t get your way leads to ignorance which causes chaos, and as I stated before if planning to kick off a civil war, you would lose, also you would lose all your privileges.
Back to the auto industry, Apple, department stores, universities, and government entities, I suggest you partner me. To help keep your business, merchandise, your people and profit sustainable. See what you all fail to realize is that in this new world today, that is what I call it, all in which they’re trying to nominalize is not normal. We must put things back in to prospective and normalize the things that are such as voting, going to the gas pump without getting robbed, shopping without people running out of the stores with everything that you’re going to buy, buying a new car without having to leave it because there’s a gun pointed at you. Leaving the State Capital because some people are breaking in, or simply dis-missing college because of the violence and fear of mass shootings or even fearing the border situation. See to let media to continue to run its course with constantly pounding fictitious stories in these young unstable minds, and old degenerates whose brain hasn’t even developed yet, even after their old age. As they continue to use ancient playbooks to guide your fears, and to create more victims, although you had no idea, all of a sudden now, you’re terrified.
The multi - lucrative business projects intend to help solve all, of the dis-appropriate actions that are mentioned above, of course not people’s feelings, but it will deter, very abruptly and urge all assailants to change all course of actions. As well as normalizing the flow of normalcy, it also allows me to re-emerge a 20-year-old invention in which the head army core engineer gave me the thumbs up on the invention during hurricane Katrina, again the problem was the funding. For assessments the human trafficking project will address the voting problems, and the border, the airport security will address the department stores and mass gun shootings, the new car alarm system will address the problems in the automotive industries, and the housing for the homeless, will also address the problems at the border as well as the immigrants. My old invention will also align with airport security and protection for the businesses and government entities. Without these modern-day protections in workplace, as well in the business areas. You will see countries become more bolder in their senseless killings, in these lawless times and many more victims with unspeakable injuries. The problem is the funding, as well as the business plan, all these invention projects intertwine with the government. So, to draw up these plans I would need to have a partnership with the government. Someone that knows the government laws, regulations and policies, and touches all the points that need to be touched. Also, as I stated before, you don’t have to expel to many laws for guns, just raise the age to 25, because guns are only made to do one thing and that’s to killed. At the age of 25, you are more knowledgeable and responsible and should have more respect for life and the rule of law. Though Law officers shouldn’t always choose the final blow, there’s many other places where you can still get over your eager zealousness, instead of just the kill shot. To simply go from every country trying to solve the world’s problems, to the recent 2023 presidential debate, and housing congress shows illegitimate normalcy a lack of integrity and a bundle of ignorance.
So, I’m asking the corporations, governments, and investors to seriously, seriously, think about how many lives been lost because of safety measures wasn’t the prime factor in your process or, how many lives could have been saved under these provisions mentioned above or even injuries. We want to preserve life for it is precious, and to lose it to fail systems or by erratic individuals who’s only purpose in life is to manipulate, gain power and destroy, has no place in a righteous society let alone to be? government officials. Despite of all the presidential letters, the cross country connects and interest. The bottom line is that there is no way around any government to get these projects off the ground without any government assistance. I have a few countries anxiously waiting to partner up with DesFly on either project, but they will still have to go through their government as I explained. Seriously think about it seriously.
DesFly The Future Brand
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