A Common Language Of Leadership And Culture
We have high expectations of our organization, business, schools and sports programs. Often enough, our expectations don't align well with reality. We sometimes underestimate the effort needed to get the right behaviors. This has occurred to me in my career as well and I can speak to it from lots of leadership experiences. I made assumptions that because I told hundreds of people and my all my leadership levels "once", that was sufficient and everyone would buy-in and just "work it out". It wasn't and doesn't work that way and never will. Lessons learned.
With having a common way of working together and a common values understanding, the talent you have simply will not be maximized. Think about it. All of us through life acquire tons of experiences AND not always formally or intentionally. When we have groups of leaders and peoples come together to "collaborate", everyone is bringing their own acquired understandings and experiences. This occurs in all roles and at all ages. We all then try to put our best effort, apply individual understandings, methods and terms we "think" will work best. We apply our own interaction styles. It's a wrestling match of sorts and doesn't create exceptional team results.
Do your organization a big favor. Discuss how you will get to a common understanding and language of your culture values/behaviors and how to use your leadership influence as a system to its fullest. You will see your units perform at new levels. This will take teaching and training and not slogans or statements. Read more here: https://jackslavinski.com/learning-blog-1/2018/12/10/a-common-language-of-culture-amp-leadership