

By?James Levin?|?Nov 1, 2024?|? ?

?No, not the rapper. Common is such a great word. It represents something shared as IN-COMMON. How cool is that you and others can have something that interests you both that provides the opportunity to work together. It creates the COMMON GROUND. You can make mutual contributions. You have an alignment with something or somebody that might establish a relationship and one of the root foundations of a relationship is that shared COMMON BELIEF that makes the connection.

COMMON is indicative of a community, similarities, a parallel, a closeness and a joined affinity towards a combined effort.

And of course, there is COMMON SENSE. Something based on knowledge, judgement, reflection, the ability to process and sometimes COMMON SENNSE can even be fueled by conflict. It gives us a reason to pause and reassess. COMMON SENSE is so basic and so often taken for granted. COMMON SENSE should make problem management easier.

How about COMMON CAUSE. The idea of taking an idea, a concept a philosophy and working towards a give-and-take outcome. Awesome stuff!!!!

COMMONN TOUCH, symbolic of a personal quality exhibiting understanding, sympathy and concerns for each other. And then there is the COMMON GOOD. Results that can find something to satisfy all. Difficult to accomplish, but certainly worth the effort so make that a COMMON PRACTICE.


