Common Data Backup Mistakes

Common Data Backup Mistakes

Did you know that around 98% of the businesses do not back up their data while $1.7 trillion is paid each year because of data and downtime loss? It makes it important to back up the data especially for the businesses.

Data backup is the procedure of making a copy of your machine data and saving it somewhere else in case your data is lost or corrupted. One of the most substantial problems that come with data backup is through mistakes which can mess up the data, leaving it to little use as the data gets lost with it.?

Things to keep in mind when backing up the data

Before knowing the common mistakes, here are a few things to consider when backing up your data:

  1. Selecting the best medium:

Data can be stored anywhere but it can easily be destroyed as well due to the server crash. Hence, the best medium to backup your data is the place where the data can be recovered quickly.

2. Backup Testing:

Testing the backups can help to ensure that the files are not corrupted. Corrupted files can lead to unanticipated failures which can only be found once the damage has been done.

3. Keep data secure:

Data that is poorly backed up can open up to various hackers and as it is a significant asset to a company, it deserves to be secured in the best way.

Common Data Backup Mistakes

  1. Lack of space storage on the device

Storing data in places such as hard drives which are full can lead to backup being left incomplete. This is a common mistake so you must check for space in the device you want to backup your data.

2. Maintaining backups

Many businesses set up automated processes for the backup and do not make sure that the process of data backups is being carried out properly. There is a need to check automation as it can cause the failure of data backup too.?

3. Lack of information on backup tools

Businesses can be lacking information on what types of data backup tools are available which can be used to do the job with just a single click. These tools vary from the native SQL server tools to third-party tools including IDERA SQL safe backup.

Data backup is one of the crucial parts of any business. As a result, it is important to avoid the most common mistakes to ensure data safety.?

