Committed to the planet and aiming to create a sustainable yard

Committed to the planet and aiming to create a sustainable yard

We believe in business sustainability as a guarantee of quality excellence, keeping our customers and employees safe having a positive impact on the environment.

That is why are proud to say the it has been more than two years that the organization is certified with the ISO9001, ISO14001, ISO45001 and EMAS regulations.

In terms of environmental responsibility, NSGS has proposed to work diligently to become a sustainable yard, changing habits and incorporating additional measures that allow both visitors and employees to preserve our facilites and our environment.

We are asking all of you to help us and the planet to reach our goal by committing ourselves to care and enjoy our environment in a more sustainable and responsible way. How?

REDUCE: water and electricity use, waste.

RECYCLE: both hazardous and non-hazardous waste, using the proper container.

RE-USE: try to avoid purchasing single-use products.

In case of generating waste compatible with the non-hazardous waste you can use the corresponding containers in our facilities. On the other hand, if you need to dispose hazardous waste, such as: liquids, toxic construction material, paints, etc..., you must contact the person in charge for its proper recycling or disposal.

For more information on EMAS and ISO check the following link to the Enviromental Statement, where you will find the company improvements, goals and strategies to make it happen.


