A Committed Decision Is The Doorway To Every Freaking Thing You Desire
Rosemary Nonny Knight
Digital Marketing Specialist | Empowering Coaches, Healers & Training Providers | Expert in Lead Generation, Content Creation & Business Growth
I just spent a longer time than usual, rewriting out my vision…
Really getting into the spirit of it, seeing pictures in my mind of myself and my family doing all the things I dream of…
Seeing chains being broken off me that chain me to a lower existence than what I am capable of…
Seeing my History Maker and Deliberate Millionaire clients accomplishing great things…
Seeing life as I choose it to be and making a renewed commitment, on this resurrection day, to make it happen!
I exhort you to do the same…
Write out your vision…
Make it bright, clear, amazing…
Make it non-negotiable…
Make it a done deal…
Make a commitment that it WILL happen…
Not some flimsy “Only when I feel good’ type decision and commitment…
Set it like flint in your head that this is done!
And then from that place, take action
You are a powerful creator
Nothing stops you, except you
Make that committed decision to wake up and create something inspiring, amazing, empowering, powerful…
Be proud of yourself for your ability to create something first in your imagination and then to commit to bringing it to life…
Not from a needy place of ‘have to’!
But from a ‘I CHOOSE TO DO THIS’ place…
A place of power…
Right now, you have made a lot of ‘I CHOOSE TO’ type decisions and they have created your current experience of life…
As I said, you are a powerful creator…
You created all of this and I know some of it is good but there are areas where you want more but you have not yet committed to creating the more because you are in conflict as to whether you are allowed to.
YES YOU ARE… if you decide that you are!
God is not stopping you
He wants you to experience as much as you want to experience…
People cannot stop you unless you let them stop you…
Circumstances cannot stop you from creatively coming up with ways to deliberately design your life…
So really, it is just you!
And then you COMMIT to that decision…
And you keep moving forward DELIBERATELY towards the goal until you get there…
That is all!
You better handle all those internal conflicts though!
Because they are the things getting in the way of you getting what you want!
It is hard for the universe to take you seriously if you change your mind every other second dependent on how powerful you are feeling!
It is the doorway to every freaking thing you desire!
So stop listening to those wishy washy people around you who cannot make up their own mind!
Let go of everything and anyone who takes you off course, even if they don’t mean to.
Fighting for, deliberately designing the life you want.
You can have it all!
Resurrect that belief today…
It died in childhood but honey, the child version of you got it right – You really can create whatever you want to create.
PS – I am calling in 10 Committed History Makers. If you are committed to the uplevelling of your current experience of life and business/ministry then make your application now.
HISTORY MAKER: PRIVATE MENTORING PROGRAM is open for applications now.
This is for you if you are a purpose-driven entrepreneur wanting support to uplevel your profits…
Or you are a professional ready to transition into your own profitable, purpose-driven business…
You are willing to do the internal and the external work to get results
You know this year is to be your six figure or more year
You are NOT so desperate for cash that you cannot see straight at the moment (Honey, get a job – It is the fastest way and then join me in the Deliberate Millionaire Fast Track Club where I can help you get to History Maker Level!)
This is best for people who feel called to impact more people and are/or about to be
– Service Providers Who Want To Get Clients Online or build out a group program
– Writers
– Musicians
– Artists
– eCommerce store owners
– Starting/Growing a ministry using social media as a part of your strategy
This is a high level program and you can expect
Your income to increase massively
to be free of crazy relationships that keep you stuck in place
To be free of religious nonsense that stops you doing what you need to do to get abundant results
Incredible connection to Your Higher Power
A purpose-driven business that changes lives
A deep sense of wholeness and wellness inside, knowledge that you are on path
To be confident in making offers and asking people to pay you handsomely for what you choose to deliver to the world
To Know your unique gifts, talents, strengths and a battle plan to get them into the marketplace serving people and making you money
To feel certainty inside that you are on the right path and to show that in the marketplace so that others are able to trust you
To confidently shine your light
To have more influence and impact than ever before so that you can actually help the people you are called to serve.
To be a role model for your family and because you level up so much, you can be the source of change for your whole family!
To stop resisting money and the receipt of it! You will finally allow yourself to receive AND KEEP what is yours by birth
To stop self-sabotaging and to handle the impostor syndrome so that it stops getting in your path
To have a social media and online marketing strategy that generates prospects and sales quickly
Included in the program, You Get…
One 3 Hour session where we map out a marketing plan for our time together as well as handle any immediate internal issues that may come up.
18 Deep Transformational Coaching sessions one on one with me over a 6 month period, completely tailored to your needs
Some Technical Assistance or access to my preferred freelancers to help you
You will have access to these 6 bestselling, transformational programs –
BRAIN TRAINING – Think Rich, Act Rich, Get Rich
PASSION INTO PROFITS – Take what Is Inside of You & Create A $300 A Day Business
SPIRIT SEX SUCCESS – Be the Confident, influential leader that customers, clients, recruits want to work with
DM PLATINUM HIGH LEVEL STRATEGY – The strategy that will take you to six figures fast
ROCK SOLID SELF BELIEF: The 30 day program to build your self-belief
CONFIDENT CREATIVE MONEY MAKER: Unleash your creativity confidently in the marketplace and convert it into cash in 30 days
Within a few months of working with me, clients tend to open up new income streams, start doing the real work they want to do, feel massively confident in their ability to show up in their relationships, feel a deep connection to their higher power, less time doing work that does not get them results and much more.
Right now, hit reply to apply.