Commitment - Marriage, Relationships & Family Legacy

Commitment - Marriage, Relationships & Family Legacy


Dedication to a person, or a cause.

In a marriage relationship, it’s often referred to as a ‘covenant’.

Not just an agreement, a promise or a vow, but a legally binding contract between two or more people.

Many view it as holy; sacred.

As I reflect back on a decade of marriage, I’m reminded of the commitment I made to my wife; to our relationship.

I think about those sacred vows I made to her, before my Creator & others.

I consider where I have fallen short as a man; where I have been lacking in those commitments to her & to our relationship.

I think about the times we struggled, when in the heat of the moment, I said unkind things to her; caused her hurt or pain with my words.

I think about the regret I felt after doing so, knowing I couldn’t take back what was said, but sincerely apologize & do what I could to make things right.

I think about the times I didn’t love her the way I could have, or the way I should have.

After a moment, those feelings of sorrow are overcome by immense joy & gratitude.

We are still together, still committed to each other & still deeply love one another.

We’ve made the choice to learn & grow together; to forgive each other.

I look at our lives, our children & the fruits of the love & commitment we made to each other.

I see the beautiful legacy we are building together.

We both understand that true love is not a feeling, or an emotion; it’s a choice.

It’s two imperfect people choosing to commit to one another.

I’m convinced before we can truly commit to others, we must first commit to ourselves.

Commit to becoming the best possible version of ourselves, as we progressively transform & mature.

Before we met, I had gone through a tragic divorce.

For over 5 years, I stayed a single dad, doing my best to rear a daughter, take the time to heal, & focus on self-improvement.

It was a difficult season of my life, but totally worth the wait.

A lot of folks refer to their spouse & say, “Oh, I didn’t deserve him or her”.

Don’t know that I agree.

I think we often get exactly what we deserve in life, in proportion to our personal faith & belief system.

I’m convinced God/Universe will bring us into alignment with the right people, in the right time & place.

We were both specific about what we wanted in a spouse.

We both stood our ground for that &, thankfully, got our hearts desire, based on what we believed & made personal agreements for.

Making a true commitment to anyone; to anything, is not easy.

It requires honor, character & integrity to uphold that commitment.

It means you’re gonna have to put in the work.

I’m short on words to fully articulate the gratitude & appreciation I feel for this human who is my partner, my lover, my friend & my companion.

What a woman.

What a lady.

What a wife.

What a mother.

What a person.

I write this post to celebrate our journey together, but to also encourage you:

Recommit & honor the commitments you’ve made;

To yourself, your spouse, your kids, your relationships, your business, & your dreams.

Commit to the legacy you want to leave behind.

Take the time to mend, to recover, to heal & to grow.

Have faith that what you want out of life is gonna come your way at the right time, & the right relationships will be established.

As we celebrate the gift of life & love, I’d like to offer you a personal gift & help with the areas I just mentioned.

A PDF of my chapter book, ‘A Glass Heart Shattered” and an email filled with lots of resources on how you can build & protect your family legacy.

Legacy begins with family.

It’s up to us to create the kind of legacy we want to be remembered by.

It’s worth prioritizing; worth protecting.

But it’s up to US to make sure it endures!

Type “commitment” in the comments.

I’ll DM a link for you to register so I can send you those gifts.

#legacy #love #life #marriage #family #commitment #relationship #growth #transformation #faith #hope #courage #gift #gratitude #parents #impact #influence

Caleb Kidd Coy

Aligning and connecting empathic leaders in a mutually beneficial community to learn, grow, & serve together by providing transformative life/legacy solutions with heroic family values, financial certainty & empowerment.

2 年
Rev. Carlene Appel- MDiv., PC, CERC, CTP, CDCS, CCFP, CGP

Pastoral & Spiritual Counseling, Certified Emergency Response Chaplain, Certified in Trauma, Dementia Care, Grief, and Compassion Fatigue

2 年

Amen to that. It never ceases to amaze me how many people express a fear of commitment. Yet they sign credit card slips, a lease, a car loan, or mortgage note without a second thought. And as i’m certain you teach in your presentations, getting oneself into debt with poor judgment, will be one of the legacies you pass onto your children after death. That’s a pretty big commitment, is it not? Yet the hand can’t sign a marriage. Statistical fact: Couples who live together before marriage have a 50% greater chance of divorce. Why? This is something as a Minister I sought answers to. My conclusion, actually common sense. Living together came into vogue out of the free love 1970s. Claim: “Trial” marriage. Lie: “If it doesn’t work out we’ll just walk away.” Why? We were created by God for Community, with him, other another and all of creation. In sum, we are relationally oriented and the brain is hardwired for it. The brain loves connection and creates new neural pathways to support relationship as its way of being. Our first 2 basic needs are safety and security and the craving of them follows us throughout our lives. If we were androids, robots or Vulcans, then just packing up and leaving comes easy with no emotions, no feelings, etc

Rev. Carlene Appel- MDiv., PC, CERC, CTP, CDCS, CCFP, CGP

Pastoral & Spiritual Counseling, Certified Emergency Response Chaplain, Certified in Trauma, Dementia Care, Grief, and Compassion Fatigue

2 年

Congratulations. Ed & I will be married 42 years Oct. 18th. When my couples I’m marrying complete their premarital counseling with me, I give them a small tempered steel wrench. As a preacher I love to use illustrations because they stick longer. Until the heat & pressure of tempering make that material stronger, the steel isn’t as strong as it could be. I tell the couple that when the heat and pressures of life and conflicts weigh down on their marriage, they can choose to be like that wrench. By resolving to stick it out and work it out it tempers them for the next and the next and the next. People who’ve tried to put a wedge between us using a divide & conquer plan, have failed and commented “You guys are a team. Love frustrating people like that because it’s evil to try to deliberately wreck a relationship. In Peter’s Epistles he warns that those in the Christian Churches need to be careful because the Devil is like a roaring lion seeking out whoever he can to devour.” The covenant of Marriage is a call to gird up your loins and stand firm on the commitment you made with your beloved at the altar before God and a whole bunch of witnesses lest they be like putting new wine (the couple) into old wineskins. Go with the wrench.

Caleb Kidd Coy

Aligning and connecting empathic leaders in a mutually beneficial community to learn, grow, & serve together by providing transformative life/legacy solutions with heroic family values, financial certainty & empowerment.

2 年

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