Commitment ConvenienceCommitment
Dr Maria Harriet Stack
Highly Qualified Medical Doctor / Executive Director and Producer Human Rights Media TV/ Music Production
Commitment or is the reality Convenience Commitment
In today’s world, our culture, our values and our mindset all thrive about making things convenient.?Thanks to science and technology which has made our lives so easy and convenient, we have easy access to nearly everything in life. But in this journey of the “Push button fast delivery” approach, the pendulum has swung so much toward convenience that we have applied it to every aspect of our lives -?be it our relationships or our own commitments. Living a life of convenience gives an illusion of comfort that makes us either feel in control or frustrated when we keep on dropping our commitments and face the reality that the grass is not greener living in isolation. But is the truth also that we have lost all our patience when a friend or partner needs time...the easy solution is to drop out citing it is not you it is me...
Yes, times have changed... and so has our definition of commitment. Now we see a diluted or rather convenient version of commitment.. People keep their commitment if they are convenient to them or when they made the decision to commit in a convenience state of mind. When it is no longer easy, as the going gets tough , we either take shortcuts, start making excuses or quit in the worst case. By no means it this an attempt to judge anyone or justifying unrealistic commitments or commitments which are no longer viable as they were taken without much data or vision from the I was too young to know what I was getting into..
More than professional success, commitment to me is a value which defines the person I am or how I should be known as a person in front of the world.. It is more of a thought process?wherein?commitment itself is an indicator of persistence and loyalty...
Often Conviction and Convenience do not co-exist.It has has been very aptly noted by one commentator that If you are committed about something, then sign up for it and be ready for inconvenience down the road ..sometimes sooner than you think. Commitment is a choice. When you commit, you are making an active decision, a conscious choice to pursue it whole-heartedly.
“Decide. Commit. Succeed....that's everlasting love.”??
Dr Maria Harriet Stack
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