Commitment to the cause over skill. The ant approach
Dr. Peter N Ezenwani ANIM. BSc. MSc. ACCA. CMC. FIMC. DFAI, CMP, DBA hc
Finance professional/ Entrepreneur /Researcher, Management Consultant
Those who succeed at it usually don't possess an extraordinary memory,?but an extraordinary commitment?- so also, teams that bring a vision to life and make them successful on the long run need commitment. Skill is good, but for the journey ahead for businesses that want to stand the test of time; talent is far more important. The skillful tiger in the jungle may possess what is required to pick a pray an kill, however it takes it to the top of a tree for him and him alone. The most times ignored (ant) stays committed, works with its team (as a soldier, builder, carrier etc) but stays committed to that task and for the singular goal of building the ant hill. It works for the team and not for self, it executes its role, but trust on the expertise of the others to execute their role, hence it maintains order. Its not arrogant towards the process as it knows its already established for the accomplishment of the singular cause.
As an employer of labour, watch out for talent, but bee keen on retaining commitment, because committed hands will continue to be there to build your dream. by all means, rate skills high, but do not overrate it. look out for the skillful and willing to be trained to be skillful, but exalt commitment over all.
Find your Committed Army!
as an individual:
A man’s mind may want to believe that talent is the only thing you need to have, to be successful in life.
But, do all these toppers, though talented, can really succeed in life? Will these temporary high fliers still be toppers be after 10 years from now? The answer for the above question is most likely to be; no! This is just because talent alone cannot assure you success. Many of these toppers think that they are talented and can easily get any job that they wish – but the fact is talent can make you eligible, but not always employable.
It’s not talent, you need to have commitment to succeed in life
Though talent gets you in the gate, it is commitment that leads to success. Commitment towards your learning or at work, will help you grow in your career, while talent at the most, can help you in acquiring a job. This also applies if you choose to venture into business.