Is Commitment Affecting our Performance & Results?
Soul Ongoiba
SPIRIT PERFORMANCE COACH-Equipping leaders and athletes at performance crossroads to amplify their unique performance edge and create the meaningful impact they desire.
In today’s performance edge weekly wisdom, we are going to look at a simple but powerful topic. Is commitment affecting your performance?
Yes, because one of the essential components to achieving high performance is commitment!
So, the question is this. “Is commitment hindering your performance?”
?Because in today's fast paced and competitive world, high performance is crucial for progress and success. But, when you commit to something, we are making a deliberate choice; making commitment, we are actively deciding to move forward and take action.
And I want to just connect with you because etymology "commitment" comes from "commit" and "ment"; to "commit", which means to carry into, carry out into deliberately, and ment, it's concrete result, so to carry out in deliberately, into concrete result, so meaning commitment means there is a purpose and intention attached to it!
And that's a spiritual side that’s left out but that is very important to not miss!
I want to add here, because with that intention, commitment is there, because commitment is what turns goals and desire into tangible reality. It's a bridge.
It's a bridge between intention between our intention, and the results.
So, in order to fully commit, you must cut out any decision, and as you know, to decide means to cut out any other option. So, just as an example, if you think about it, adding a time component, a commitment without a deadline is more of a wish than a plan; so, what that means is, that limiting your options, helps you focus on what's important to getting your results and achieving success.
Commitment also requires perseverance and dedication. This means that sometimes you might fall short and that is okay to make mistakes along the way and very important here because commitment isn't about doing something perfectly or successfully. For the first time. It's about investing your time, your energy into something and learning from the promise process, no matter the outcome.
Let’s reemphasize, that commitment is about investing your time, your energy, resources into something and learning from the process no matter the outcome. So, by committing to high performance and giving your best efforts, you're setting yourself up for long term progress and success. And the reason people don't want to commit the truth is, it takes time and hard work.
But when you commit, the rewards are greater! And you are able to experience first-hand the effect of achieving your goal and dream. So, it's important because commitment is not just important for reaching success, because the other thing that commitment does, it helps build resilience!
Yes. Because knowing that you have dedicated time, effort and resources to something increases your confidence, which ultimately makes it easier to recover from setbacks or disappointment.
So, high performance doesn't happen overnight. It's a process that requires hard work and dedication, but commitment is the key to getting started, it's that ignition and it's the key! To stay motivated throughout the journey because they're going to be bumps, what's going to keep you there! It's a commitment that's going to lead you to consistency.
So, I really hope that was helpful in this weekly content, because by committing to your goals and your dreams to a specific outlook, you can set yourself up for progress and take charge of your future.
Till Next time, Live Your Truth!
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