Commit-Reveal Strategies to defeat Frontrunning Bots
Frontrunning is a technique used by bots to exploit price discrepancies between different transactions on the Ethereum network. While it's not possible to completely defeat frontrunning bots, there are several techniques you can use to make it more difficult for them to exploit your transactions.
One technique is to use a commit-reveal scheme. In this scheme, instead of directly revealing your transaction parameters like gas price and transaction value, you first commit to them by hashing them together and sending the hash to the network. Then, after a short period of time, you reveal the actual parameters by sending another transaction with the original parameters.
Here's an example of how you could implement a commit-reveal scheme in Solidity:
pragma solidity ^0.8.0;
contract MyContract {
bytes32 public commit;
function commitTransaction(uint256 gasPrice, uint256 value) public {
require(commit == 0x0, "Transaction already committed");
commit = keccak256(abi.encodePacked(gasPrice, value, block.timestamp));
function revealTransaction(uint256 gasPrice, uint256 value) public {
require(commit != 0x0, "Transaction not yet committed");
require(commit == keccak256(abi.encodePacked(gasPrice, value, block.timestamp)), "Invalid commit");
require(msg.sender.balance >= value + gasPrice * tx.gaslimit, "Insufficient funds");
commit = 0x0;
In this example, we first define a `commit` variable that will hold the hash of our transaction parameters. We then define a `commitTransaction` function that takes the gas price and transaction value as arguments, hashes them together using `keccak256`, and sets the resulting hash as the value of `commit`.
After a short period of time, we can reveal the actual parameters by calling the `revealTransaction` function with the original gas price and transaction value. This function checks that the hash of the original parameters matches the value of `commit`, and if so, executes the transaction.
By using a commit-reveal scheme, we can make it more difficult for frontrunning bots to intercept and exploit our transactions, since they won't know the actual transaction parameters until after they have already committed to them. However, it's important to note that this scheme may not be foolproof and may also add complexity to the implementation of the contract.
Senior Blockchain Engineer @Magpie || Knight @Leetcode (Top 5%)
4 周How does this prevent front running? Can't attacker still see the revealTransaction in memePool and frontRun?