Commit to Getting the Career You Want
James Beeman, MCC
Executive Leadership Coach | ICF Mentor Coach | Master Certified Coach (MCC)
What is your dream vacation? Take a moment to visualize it. Imagine where you will be, who you will be with, what you will be doing, and what state of mind you will be in as you enjoy it. Think through as many details as you can.
Are you soaking up the sun on a warm beach in the Caribbean? Think of the hot sand and colorful beach umbrellas. Maybe you are touring and wine tasting in Italy. Imagine the tasteful flavors and Italian music in the background. Alternatively, perhaps you are climbing a 14,000-foot mountain in Colorado. You have the sun on your back and a fresh breeze in your face, while your muscles feel the burn and you take in the beauty around you.
Alternatively, maybe none of these describe your dream vacation, but you get the idea. Once you know exactly what you want for your vacation, what is your next step? You commit. You request the time off. You purchase your tickets and make your reservations. How exciting! Next stop: dream vacation!
This scenario of planning a vacation holds true to other areas of life as well. Once you know what you want in your job, career trajectory, or lifestyle, you must commit to getting there. The word commitment implies engagement and involvement. Bottom line, it requires action.
Just as you are going nowhere on vacation unless you take the action of booking the ticket, your career is going nowhere without the commitment that results in action. So let’s try this again…
What is your dream job? Take a moment to visualize it. Imagine where you will be, the caliber of people you will be working with, what you will be working on, and what state of mind you will be in as you enjoy it. Think through as many details as you can.
Are you leading a team at the corporate level in a competitive and time-sensitive atmosphere? Imagine your office with a view and the daily team meetings and met deadlines. Maybe you are in a quiet environment, putting into practice the old saying, “the pen is mightier than the sword.” Think of holding your next published work, and of the people who will enjoy or be challenged by your words. Alternatively, perhaps you can be out and about, doing what you love every day; coaching a sport, building a project, driving a firetruck, or walking a beat.
Alternatively, perhaps none of these describe your dream job, but again, you get the idea. So what is your next step? Will it be having that conversation about your promotion or raise you have been putting off? Alternatively, finally filling out that application? Remember, once you decide, action will be involved.
Once you have taken the first step, be prepared! Just as booking a vacation will not guarantee the absence of delays, easy connections, or perfect weather, taking your first step towards what you want in your career will not always mean immediate success. That is where commitment comes in. You stick with your goal, especially when it gets tough.
What are you willing to commit to today?