Commit to Generative AI now? Communications Leaders Weigh In

Commit to Generative AI now? Communications Leaders Weigh In

Always a champion for “What’s Next,” Ruder Finn’s TechLab along with CEO Kathy Bloomgarden, yesterday hosted a closed-door salon session, bringing together senior communications leaders from financial services and CPG to supply chain management and retail industries to share their thoughts on the state of generative AI tools such as ChatGPT and their potential impact on the future.

Cautiously Curious

In a rapidly evolving technology landscape, generative AI has garnered attention for its potential to revolutionize communication and content creation. When asked about their perceptions and attitudes toward this seminal technology, the dominant sentiment in the room was "cautious, but curious." While communications leaders recognize the potential of generative AI, they are equally aware of the risks it could pose to their respective organizations' reputations. The uncertainty surrounding early adoption is balanced by a desire to stay informed and avoid being left behind.?Many recognize a lead application of these tools in the customer service arena but fear the ramifications of the loss of a truly human touch.

Embracing Regulation

Unsurprisingly, all attendees agreed they would welcome regulation in the AI space. Some expressed that if robust governance and regulations such as GDPR/CCPA were introduced for generative AI, they would be more inclined to accelerate its adoption for professional use. This sentiment echoes the past, as communicators once viewed social media and Google with suspicion before they became indispensable industry tools.

Preparing for the Future

A communications leader from a top IT services company emphasized the importance of using this transitional period to train employees on generative AI technologies and develop a sandbox-like approach for accelerated learning with appropriate guardrails. This proactive approach could help organizations better prepare for the integration of AI tools in the future.

Potential Pitfalls and Solutions

One participant from a notable advocacy organization acknowledged the potential benefits of generative AI tools such as ChatGPT as thought starters but expressed concerns about potential issues if used without proper vetting and fact-checking. The greatest caution was on relying on these AI tools right now for content creation. This highlights the importance of establishing strong ethical guidelines and defined guardrails.


The salon session proved to be an engaging and insightful platform for open-ended discussions about the future of generative AI in the communications industry. The time for full deployment of ChatGPT and generative AI is a bit early for most communicators.?First, proper use guidelines will need to be established for many, as well as building reassurances to employees that they are not in danger of being phased out as a result.?Selective test and learn is the predominant stance now.

Amal Kiran

Building Temperstack | Enterprise-grade Proactive SRE platform

6 个月

Tejas, ??

Neha Kumar

Quality Assurance Specialist At hikeQa

1 年



Important for communications leaders to be leading the conversation around these tools within their organizations as they have the broadest purview on the potential benefits and ramifications.


