Commissioning Procedure of Circulating Water System in Power Plant Project
Ibnu Atho Illah
Commissioning Operation Leader | Mechanical Commissioning Engineer | PTW & LOTO Coordinator | Energy Marshall
Equipment Description
? The Circulating Water (CW) System provides cooling water tothe Condenser for condensing exhaust steam from the steamturbine and rejects the heat to the sea using a once through cooling system.
? It also provides cooling water to the Auxiliary Cooling Water(ACW) System and motive water for Electro Chlorination Systems.
? Travelling screen wash pumps for cleaning the travelling screensand flushing debris trenches are also included in this system.
? The existing intake pond is the source of circulating water to theonce through cooling system.
? Warm water from the Condenser and Auxiliary Cooling WaterSystem Heat Exchangers is discharged to the sea through the discharge canal.
Safety Precautions
Prior to proceeding with any testing or operation; the EPC Commissioning Engineer and Shift Charge Engineer will ensure the following Safety Precautions have been implemented.
4.2.1. Ensure all safety warnings and barricades are erected to establish a well identified test boundary and to prevent entry of unauthorized personnel.
4.2.2. If required, provisions made for temporary scaffold, lifts, access to maintain a safe work area during the testing.
4.2.3. Complete a thorough inspection of all test areas and ensure the valve line up and components are in the required condition/position to safely begin the start up/test activities.
4.2.4. Ensure all appropriate Lock Out Tag Out requirements are met according to LOTO Procedure. Ensure all affected personnel are aware and notified. Review all temporary piping, blinds, hoses and connections and clearly identify waste or bleed streams.
4.2.5. In a designated area (CCR) EPC Commissioning Engineer will carry out a Coordination meeting and review the JHA with all supporting craft and personnel who will be involved with the activities.
4.2.6. Establish communications protocol between personnel and an equipment emergency stop procedure both local and remote.
Commissioning Preparations
Before starting the circulating water system, the following conditions shall be established;
a) Verify the appropriate TOP’s have been received and accepted.
b) Verify that the pre-commissioning work is completed and power and control
supplies are prepared.
c) Verify that control logic interlocks have been completed.
d) Verify that all motors and pumps are prepared for initial commissioning (including lubrication) as outlined in the vendor O&M manual.
e) Verify the CW piping has been walked down and all manways are installed.
f) Ensure all safety devices are installed and prepared for operation including pressure/vacuum relief vents are clear of debris and properly installed.
g) Ensure all valves intended to be “locked open” (or alternatively “locked closed”) have the necessary locking device in place.
h) Ensure portable vibration and temperature devices are available for initial testing. Ensure the following systems have been inspected and placed into normal operation to support running of the circulating water system.
a) Ensure Bar Screens are clear of any major debris
b) Stop Logs Panels are removed and the Intake Pits are flooded
c) Cathodic Protection Systems are placed in automatic mode
d) Trash Rake are placed in automatic mode
e) Travelling Band Screens are placed in automatic mode
f) Travelling Screen Wash Pumps are prepared for operation (including initial filling the CW Piping)
g) Circulating Water Pumps are prepared for operation including the associated cooling water pumps
h) Ensure the MBV cross-tie to U3, is closed and breaker locked out
i) The Electrochlorination Plant is prepared for service (or alternate treatment method is in place)
j) The Condenser water boxes have been inspected and manways closed The CW Priming Vacuum Pumps (for turbine hall CW and ACW vent points) are operational
l) Ensure the Cycle Makeup and Storage Supply system is operational (this is the supply to the CW Priming Vacuum Pumps)
m) Ensure CCCW cooling supply to the CW Vacuum Priming Pumps is available
n) The CW CLAW Priming Vacuum Pumps (for CW Outfall Piping) are operational
o) Debris Filters are placed in automatic mode
p) Condenser Tube Cleaning will not be placed into service until after the CW systems is in continuous operation (likely within a few days of the initial CW Pump operation)
q) The ACW system will be isolated for initial operation of the CW Pumps.
r) Ensure all MBV’s are powered up and ready for operation.
s) All associated piping, valves, expansion joints, strainers, and instruments and accessories have been inspected and ready for operations.
t) Seawater Supply Pumps & associated system to be available for normal & continuous operation.
Commissioning Procedure
Place the circulating water system in service per the following steps;
a. Align valves per the P&ID’s. At least one circulating water flowpath through the condenser will be made available.
b. Verify Condenser back wash system isolation valves are closed.
c. Fill the system via the Seawater Supply Pumps.
d. Operate the CW Priming Vacuum Pumps and CLAW Vacuum Pumps to fill the CW Piping before starting.
e. Station staff at the intake structure, CW pump discharge HBV valve, condenser, outfall, and at vents/vacuum breaks along the piping to ensure preparedness and to monitor for abnormal sounds or vibration during the initial pump operation.
f. The EPC Commissioning Engineer shall hold a pre-start meeting in the main control room to coordinate the parties related to timing and roles.
g. The EPC Commissioning Engineer will select which CW Pump will be started. The selected pump shall be started automatically.
h. Start the Band Screen in Manual (to alleviate potential pluggage issues in the event large amounts of trash are drawn into the intake during initial operation).
i. Ensure CW piping is adequately filled, and levels confirmed at the CW piping outfall
j. Ensure the areas are clear and communication has been established.
k. Countdown and start the selected CW Pump.
l. Initially radio conversations should only note abnormal conditions in the even the pump needs to be stopped.
m. Observe any abnormal noises, temperatures, or vibrations.
n. Closely monitor the following paraments;
? CW Intake Level (and differentials across the travelling screens)
? CW Pump Discharge Pressure (as well as vibration and temperatures)
? Differential Pressure across the Debris Filter and Ball Cleaning System
o. Monitor for leaks and air vent points. Inspect and repair as appropriate.
p. Complete the Pump Run-in Test Record Form.
q. Operate the CW Pump until temperatures stabilize and/or as instructed by the EPC Commissioning Engineer
r. Hold a post run debriefing in the Main Control Room to discuss any feedback or issues observed.s. Repeat the above for the other CW Pump.Acceptance Criteria is No abnormal temperatures or vibration is observed.
Acceptance Criteria is No abnormal temperatures or vibration is observed
Foreman WWTP PT Charoen Pokphand Indonesia-RPHU Bondowoso
5 个月Muhammad Priyo