Commercial Warehouse Business Opportunity In Haryana

Commercial Warehouse Business Opportunity In Haryana

Dear Businessman/Investors?

1. Are you looking for Commercial Warehousing Business Opportunity?

2. Are you doing the logistic business and now want to expand your business?

3. Are you facing the problem of identification of suitable site for Warehousing and Logistic Business?

4. Are you a 3PL Company?

5. Are you searching for new Investment Avenue for best ROI?

6. Want to avail Govt. Grants and Subsidy for Warehouse Business?

7. Have suitable land and want to give on long term lease for warehousing business?

8. Looking for those company who are taking the commercial warehouse on Rent?

IF yes, then you are at right palace for find out the needful solution.

Haryana is going to become a hub for Warehousing and logistic business. In LEADS 2023 report (Logistic Ease Across Different States), Haryana has emerged as “Achiever State” and The State has consistently maintained its performance in the logistics infrastructure.

“Haryana Logistics, Warehousing & Retail Policy, 2019”

Along with the ease of doing of business, State Govt. has implemented a Special Policy i.e “Haryana Logistics, Warehousing & Retail Policy, 2019” for growing the needful infrastructure. Under the said policy, Govt has also made the provision of Grant/Subsidy/Incentives for construction of Warehousing and Logistics Infrastructure in Haryana.

Subsidy up to Rs. 5.00 Cr.

There is a special provision of Capital Subsidy @ 25% of Construction Cost, subject to maximum of Rs. 5.00 Cr. The said subsidy is available only for those projects which shall be located in Category C and D Block as notified by the Department of Industry and Commerce of Haryana Govt.

Listing of C and D block

Download Listing Of C & D Block

Apart from the Capital Subsidy, there is provision of Refund of Stamp Duty in the state. So, if you want to take the above said subsidy benefits then you must check the below mentioned requirement before line up any warehousing project in the state.

Basic Eligibility:

Must Check The Basic Requirement :

Suitable Locations for Warehousing Business in Haryana:

Now come to the main points that Which locations are suitable for doing commercial warehousing business. So that you can choose right investment avenue for better ROI. We have identified some key suitable locations in Haryana for warehouse investors. These locations have also covered under TCP (Town and country Planning) Development Plan.

Special Note: These locations are covered under Category “C” block and Proposed Units in said location shall be eligible for Govt. Grants as mentioned above.

Further, Good News for investor is that Haryana Govt. has extended this policy for next 5 Years. A draft of said policy you can read herewith.

Haryana Draft Policy

1. IMT Sohna, Mewat:

This Location of Industrial Model Township (IMT) has established in the Year 2010 and it is located on Gurgaon – Alwar Road & Kundli-Manesar-Palwal Expressway. This area is spread in 1545.65 Acres and well occupied with basic infrastructure amenities such as Water, Electricity and Roads. Further, The Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology of Govt. of India has approved setting up of Electronics Manufacturing Cluster at IMT Sohna over an area of 500 acres. It will boost the demand of Warehousing and Logistics activities in said Area.

2. Industrial Estates, Narnaul, Mahendergadh:

This Industrial Estates has established in the year 2007 and located near Nizampur Road, Narnaul, Mahendergadh i.e about 150 Kms from New Delhi. This area is spread in 8.88Acres and well occupied with basic facility of Power and Road. Surrounding Area of this industrial estate can be line up for commercial warehousing and logistic business purpose.

3. Industrial Estates, SAHA, Ambala:

This Industrial Estate has established in the year 2000-2001 and located near National Highway – 73, leading from Saha to Shahabad. This Area is spread in two phases: Phase – I: Status – Planned and Developed covered in 410.36 Acres. Phase – II: Status – Planned but under Litigation covered in 250.94 Acres. This Industrial Estate is well occupied with Network of Road, Water Supply System through OHSR, Sewerage System, Proper Fire system, Police Station, Bank and Convenience shopping. Number of Industries are increasing day by day in SAHA Estate particularly for Agri based and Food Processing. Indirectly we can say that demand of Agri based Warehousing can be framed in this area.

4. Industrial Cluster – Food Park, Saha, Ambala:

Food Park of SAHA has also boosted the demand of Agri Based Warehousing in Haryana. This Location is located On National Highway – 73, leading from Saha to Shahabad have campus of 70 Acres. This area is specially planned and developed for the food park industry.

5. IIDC, Sirsa:

This Location has established in the year 1996 and 250 Kms far away from New Delhi on National Highway -10 with having total campus of 75 Acres. Sirsa is a rich location for the Food Grain Production. Hence this are can be utilized for Agri based warehousing and being an investor, you can take the advantage of subsidy benefits. Further it is a border district of Haryana and connected with Rajasthan and Punjab State. So Locational advantage can be taken in this area for set up commercial warehousing project.

6. Industrial Estates, Narwana, Jind:

Industrial Area of Narwana, Jind is 120 kms far away from Delhi and well connected by rail & road with potential for agro-based, leather-based products & chemical Industries. Since it is connected with Chandigarh High way, so there is a rich potentiality of industrial development.

7. IMMLH i.e Integrated Multi Modal Logistics HuB, Narnaul, Mahendragarh:

This Project is specially designed under National Industrial Corridor Development Programme (NICDP). Under this Programme, Project of Delhi-Mumbai Industrial Corridor (DMIC) has been lined up. This Project is spread over 886 acres at Nangal Chaudhary, Narnaul in Mahendragarh district. It is being developed as joint venture between NICDC and HSIIDC. 686 acres of land has been acquired and transferred to Project SPV. Connectivity projects related to road, rail, power and water for Phase 1 of the project are ongoing presently. So as far as the warehousing and logistic business opportunities are concern, this special project of Multi Model Logistic Hub boosts the demand of such business in Haryana.

Finding the Suitable Location In Category D Block :

List of Company Which Are Looking Warehouses In Haryana:

For your kind reference we are sharing herewith some companies to whom you may approach for leasing the warehouse or land.

Listing of Company

1. Amazon 2. Flipkart 3. Britania 4. Dabur 5. LG 6. Myntra 7. Reliance 8. Woodland 9. Hindustan Liver 10. Bajaj

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