Commercial Recycling: How To Make Your Company Environmentally Sustainable

Commercial Recycling: How To Make Your Company Environmentally Sustainable

The global push to be more environmentally sustainable and to reduce, reuse, and recycle doesn’t need to rest squarely on the shoulders of the everyday consumer. Sure, Americans create more than 200 million tons of trash each year, thus making it critically important to educate and encourage private citizens to be more mindful of what we consume, where and how to recycle properly, and how to seek out innovative ways to recycle more and recycle right each day. But we all must be aware of our actions and how they benefit or disrupt our planet. That includes our friends in the business sector, inspiring industries to do more with commercial recycling efforts.

Whether you’re in a startup organization, a large entity that’s been at the top of your industry for years, a nonprofit, or a small business somewhere in between, it’s important that everything your company does in terms of commercial recycling is as efficient, sustainable, and holistically green as possible.

Texas Recycling: Call 214-357-0262 for Industrial and Commercial Recycling

8 Ways To Create a More Sustainable Organization

To create a business with sustainability at its core, you must look at every aspect of its operation and incorporate commercial recycling practices and wider waste management solutions that decrease trash volumes, limit disposal costs, increase revenue, and limit each function’s negative effects on the environment.

If you do, the benefits are practically limitless.

??????? Reduce the number of recyclable materials in landfills

??????? Conserve natural resources

??????? Reduce the use of virgin materials that need to be manufactured

??????? Prevent pollution and reduce greenhouse gases

??????? Create jobs and other economic benefits

??????? Save energy

Moreover, everyday consumers prefer to work with companies with strong commercial recycling efforts, foster environmental stewardship, and offer products made from sustainable materials. Additional prospective employees desire to work for ethical companies. And each step of the way, your organization is saving money and benefiting our planet.

So, where do you start? Here are a few easy ways to make a company more environmentally sustainable.

1. Create clear goals

Even if starting your commercial recycling efforts from scratch, establishing core sustainability values and an overarching mission statement rallies your team around a common goal, clarifies priorities, identifies tangible daily actions, and holds everyone accountable.

2. Conduct a sustainability audit

To know where you want to be, establish a benchmark to see where you currently stand. Assess everything from electricity and fuel consumption to your supply chain, how much trash is generated daily, weekly, and monthly, existing commercial recycling efforts, employee education, and more. Note any strengths and identify areas to improve.

3. Reconsider waste volumes

When was the last time you considered how much your packaged goods and other materials impact trash volumes? Cardboard, wood, and plastics used in packing materials and construction materials used for building projects can be baled together with other like-products and recycled into future products like paper towel rolls and paper. This is a cost-effective approach to commercial recycling and decreasing your company’s waste volume.

4. Make commercial recycling as easy as possible

The more access employees have to proper commercial recycling channels and the more signage you create to remind employees what they can and cannot recycle, the higher the chance of preventing recyclable materials from ending up in a standard trash bin. Set out recycling bins next to trash bins. Separate bin systems are also helpful for sorting materials by type (paper, plastic, glass, etc.).

5. Buy green office supplies

It is always a solid practice to consider sustainability when sourcing any supplies for an office. This can include switching to recycled office paper, envelopes, paper towels, trash bags, and cleaning supplies, avoiding single-use plastic utensils and paper cups for the break room or water cooler, and even replacing printer ink and toner with reusable ink cartridges.

6. Partner with sustainable suppliers

To piggyback off the previous tip, partner with suppliers that offer sustainable materials and follow eco-friendly practices.

7. Store and ship products sustainably

Start by evaluating packaging methods, including the amount of packaging material used to ship products (natural ways to reduce the total material or adjust individual packaging size) and if there are ways to consolidate multiple orders into the same package. Next, choose reusable shipping boxes, biodegradable packing peanuts, and other eco-friendly packaging options.

8. Foster sustainable community partnerships

It’s important for any business to support community efforts to be more eco-friendly. It is the right thing to do and attracts new clientele who share your vision of a sustainable future. When you have unsold or defective products, consider donating them directly to another community organization, nonprofit charity, or recycling them with a recycling center.

Texas Recycling: Industrial Metal, Paper, Cardboard Recycling and More! Call 214-357-0262

Texas Recycling in Dallas Supports Commercial Recycling Efforts

At Texas Recycling we applaud the efforts by businesses to become environmentally sustainable. Although consulting on the sustainability process is not in our wheelhouse, we do help large commercial businesses decrease trash volumes while generating revenue by recycling paper, cardboard, newspaper, office papers, industrial metals, and more. The best part is, when they recycle these commercial materials and lower disposal costs, they increase their overall revenue. We even offer on-site document shredding and product shredding services through our sister company, Action Shred.

Texas Recycling provides the highest-quality recycling services in the D/FW metroplex. We process thousands of tons of recyclable materials at our 225,000-plus square-foot facility. If you have a truckload of recyclable items, please call us at 214-357-0262 so we can let you know how we can help.?

Our creative solutions help industrial companies embrace environmental responsibility and sustainability. Texas Recycling offers these clients the highest level of personalized customer service. From scheduled pickups for large commercial entities to our Public Buy Back Center for individuals and smaller businesses, we have a recycling solution to meet your needs. Help the environment and your bottom line by calling Texas Recycling at 214-357-0262 to get started on a commercial recycling or industrial recycling program for your organization.


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