Commercial Real Estate Health and Safety Program Overview
Walter Lynn Perdue
Master Builder | Contractor | VA Builder Soy Bilingüe en Espa?ol
Comprehensive Health and Safety Program
The purpose of the Safety and Health Program is to develop and implement the safety policy and Plans required to be used by employees for the prevention of illness and injury and promotion of safety on managed property.
All employees are required to follow the Plans, Policy, outlined in this program along with any site-specific procedures. Any deviations from this program must be immediately brought to the attention of the Program Administrator.
This Program applies to all employees of Property Management and related facilities and operations. This program is our organization’s written safety and health program and is a collaborative effort that includes all employees. The Program Administrator is responsible for the program’s implementation, management, training, and recordkeeping requirements.
?The OSHA Occupational Health and Safety Act became effective April 28, 1971 in the United States. It provides that every employer engaged in business in the United States:
To assure safe and healthful working conditions for working men and women; by authorizing enforcement of the standards developed under the Act; by assisting and encouraging the States in their efforts to assure safe and healthful working conditions; by providing for research, information, education, and training in the field of occupational safety and health; and for other purposes.
·????????Furnish to each employee a place of employment free from recognized hazards that are causing or likely to cause death or serious physical harm.
·????????Comply with occupational health and safety standards and rules, regulations, and orders pursuant to the Act that are applicable to company business and operations.
·????????Comply with and require all employees to comply with occupational health and safety standards and regulations under the Act which are applicable to their actions and situations.
·????????Encourage employees to contact their immediate superior for information that will help them understand their responsibilities under the Act.
It is the policy and top priority of Property Management to provide an accident-free and comfortable work environment by eliminating recognized hazards from the workplace. Our health and safety program, and specific individual plans, have been developed to assure compliance with federal, state, and local regulations with emphasis on OSHA Rules and Regulations that apply to our operations.
To maintain the safety standards desired by our company, it is necessary to actively pursue an accident prevention program through all levels of our company, from top management through all employees. Health and safety are functional responsibilities of each supervisor.
?Health and safety are of vital interest to everyone in the company. Each level of our organization is accountable for safe performance. Compliance with this program and safety and health rules are taken very seriously. This means that failure to comply is sufficient ground for disciplinary action or for termination of employment. These policies are an integral part of the company's personnel policies.
Our goal is to protect employees from injury while working for our company. This must receive top priority from everyone. Duties and responsibilities of all personnel under our health and safety program are in the following:
Program Administrator
·????????Administers all aspects of the occupational health and safety program.
·????????Develops programs and technical guidance to identify and remove physical, chemical, and biological hazards from facilities, operations, and sites.
·????????Assists management and supervisors in the health and safety training of employees.
·????????Conducts inspections to identify unhealthy or unsafe conditions or work practices and completes written reports of inspections.
·????????Recommends programs and activities that will develop and maintain incentives for and motivation of employees in health and safety.
·????????Recommends disciplinary action for repeat violators of health and safety rules.
·????????Maintains the OSHA Form 300, and other notices required by OSHA. Ensures this information is posted in places where employees can see them on each job.
·????????Develops and maintains accident and incident investigation and reporting procedures and systems. Investigates serious or reportable accidents and takes action to eliminate accident causes. Reportable incidents consist of fatalities, lost workday cases, and without lost workdays requiring medical treatment. Keep management informed of findings.
·????????Report accidents that result in an occupational fatality or three or more hospitalized workers to OSHA within eight (8) hours of occurrence.
Property Manager
·????????Familiarizes him/her-self with health and safety regulations related to his/her area of responsibility.
·????????Directs, implements, and coordinates health and safety program elements and activities within area of responsibility.
·????????Requires all employees supervised to use individual protective equipment and safety devices.
·????????Ensures that safety equipment is available, maintained, used, and stored correctly.
·????????Ensures that all persons within area of responsibility receive job safety and health training as required.
·????????Conducts monthly safety briefings with all engineers and/or workers and uploads documentation into Dropbox.
·????????Ensures that engineers are aware of and comply with requirements for safe practices.
·????????Investigates all accidents within area of responsibility. Reviews all accidents/incidents with engineers and workers involved. Ensures accident reports and Workers' Compensation forms are completed and submitted as appropriate. Ensures that corrective action is taken immediately to eliminate the cause of the accident.
·????????Requires all subcontractors and subcontractor personnel working within the company's facilities to comply with health and safety regulations.
·????????Maintains copies of applicable programs in the work area, in accordance with company practice and policy. For example, the hazard communication program, material data safety sheets, OSHA 300 Injury Log if the work area is not located near/with the central office.
Chief Building Engineer - Maintenance
·????????Conducts {monthly/quarterly} health and safety inspections of work area and directs correction of unsafe conditions.
·????????Be familiar with, explains, and enforces health and safety regulations that apply to company operations within his/her area of responsibility
·?????????Requires all subcontractors and subcontractor personnel working within the company's facilities to comply with health and safety regulations.
·????????Ensures that safety devices and proper individual protective equipment are used by persons under his/her supervision.
·????????Instructs and trains all persons within area of responsibility in job health and safety requirements and requires compliance by workers with the safety rules established.
·????????Conducts frequent and regular safety and health inspections of his/her work areas and ensures that no unsafe conditions exist in area of responsibility.
·????????Conducts weekly (or more often if needed) safety briefings with all workers under his/her supervision.
·????????Ensures that injuries are treated promptly and reported properly.
·????????Investigates all accidents/incidents, obtains all pertinent data, and initiates/takes corrective action.
·????????Acts on reports of hazards or hazardous conditions reported to them by employees.
Office Manager / Human Resources / Property Manager
·????????Maintains all records and reports of accidents that have taken place during company operations. These forms and reports include the OSHA Form 300 Injury/Illness Log and the OSHA Form 101 Supplementary Record of Occupational Injury and Illnesses.
·????????Processes all paperwork associated with accidents, on-site inspections, and in-house audits.
·????????Maintains all training records for a minimum of three (3) years.
·????????Report to the nearest?OSHA office ?all work-related fatalities within 8 hours, and all work-related inpatient hospitalizations, all amputations and all losses of an eye within 24 hours. Call toll-free number: 1-800-321-OSHA (6742); TTY 1-877-889-5627
All Employees
·????????Be familiar with and comply with proper health and safety practices.
·????????Use the required safety devices and proper personal protective safety equipment.
·????????Notify supervisor immediately of unsafe conditions/acts, accidents, and injuries.
·????????Requires all subcontractors and subcontractor personnel working within the company's facilities to comply with health and safety regulations.
·????????Complete all necessary training on Program, Plan, Policy, and Procedure reviews and documentation
The following actions will be taken/followed on all accidents/injuries being submitted as a Workers' Compensation claim.
·????????Injured employees must report all accidents/injuries to their supervisor immediately (within 72 hours), who in turn will notify other appropriate company officials, such as human resources or claims manager. All accidents/incidents will be investigated by the safety manager, supervisor, or the claims manager to determine the facts and take corrective action to prevent recurrence.
·????????Employees, within ten (10) days after notification to the employer, must complete the Worker Information section only of the Workers' Safety and Compensation Report of Occupational Injury or Disease forms package, every state will have a different type of form or report so Property Managers and HR should refer to the state or Insurance provider for the appropriate form.
·????????The Property Manager or Human Resources Manager will complete the Employer's Information section of the same report within ten days of the notification.
·????????The accident investigation must confirm that the injury was job related for the resultant claim to be valid.
·????????Injured employees will be entered into a modified job program, i.e., light duty, restricted duty, part time duty, when such is recommended by the attending physician.
The OSHA Form 300 log of all recordable occupational injuries and illnesses is maintained for each work facility. In some cases, the log may be kept at the main office (This involves ensuring the information from the initial accident report is posted onto that facility’s log in the main office within seven days after the accident has occurred). The summary section of the OSHA Form 300 must be posted at each work facility/site by February 1st of the following year and remain in place until April 30th.
·????????The unlawful use, possession, transfer, or sale of illegal drugs or controlled substances and the misuse of alcohol by employees during work hours are prohibited.
·????????The consequences for violation of the drug-free policy may include, but are not limited to, a referral for therapeutic help, discipline and/or discharge.
·????????Our Policy is to designate a totally smoke free workplace as no smoking will be permitted on managed properties.
Vehicle operations are an integral part of our business. Therefore, the following rules shall apply to all business vehicle operations and operations of a personal vehicle on company time.
·????????All vehicle operators are required to have a current and valid drivers’ license for the vehicle to be operated, i.e., motorcycles, trucks, commercial drivers’ license (CDL).
·????????No unauthorized use of company vehicles shall be permitted.
·????????All cargo or other items, i.e., laptops, suitcases, etc., shall be loaded and secured to prevent them from creating hazards in the event of hard braking.
·????????Prior to entering the vehicle visually inspect the entire vehicle. Look for broken windows, light covers, low tire pressure, etc. Report all damage to your supervisor.
·????????Adjust all mirrors for the proper vision of the operator.
·????????All occupants shall fasten their seat belts. The vehicle shall not be started until all occupants have fastened their seat belts.
·????????Check all gauges and switches for proper function and location, i.e., cruise control, windshield wipers, lights, gearshift, and radio. Do not look for these while you are operating the vehicle. Test the brakes to determine their effectiveness and get a “feel” for the necessary brake pressure.
·????????Obey all traffic laws while operating the vehicle. This includes the speed limit.
·????????Vehicles shall NOT be operated while under the influence of alcohol or drugs which may impair your driving ability. Some prescription drugs and over-the-counter drugs also may affect your driving and decision-making abilities.
·????????Cell phone operation must be conducted ONLY while stopped and out of traffic.
·????????Pay attention! Keep your mind on driving and watching the road. Watch out for other drivers. Make sure you are well rested and alert.
·????????Do not get involved in “road rage”. Do not become angry at aggressive drivers. Simply pull over to the right lane or the side of the road and allow them to pass.
·????????Always stay at least two (2) seconds behind the vehicle in front of you. If driving conditions are not optimal, i.e., rain, ice, snow, wind, or visibility, allow a further following distance.
Your personal safety is also our concern. When operating a company vehicle, please adhere to the following rules. Again, hopefully, you will use these rules in your personal activities.
·????????If your vehicle becomes disabled, call for help on your cell phone or display a white flag on the antenna as a request for help. Require identification of strangers who help.
·????????Keep your doors locked and park in well lighted areas. Have your keys ready to enter your vehicle. You are a target when looking in your purse or digging in a handbag.
·????????When approaching your vehicle, try to observe any persons in the vicinity of your vehicle and look under your vehicle. Look in the back seat before opening the door. Carry a pen light flashlight.
·????????Vary your routes and schedules.
·????????Leave an itinerary of your trip with your supervisor or family member.
Training and education cannot be over emphasized as a means of learning a healthful and safe approach to employee work effort. Knowledge of the safety rules and how and when to function under the rules, supplemented by compliance, is essential to safety.
·????????Training for this Program Document will be documented in Appendix B
·????????Employees scheduled for any safety and health training will attend such training.
·????????New employees will be provided orientation training and will be furnished information and literature covering the company health and safety policies, rules, and procedures. This orientation training must be provided prior to the employee's exposure to the work environment.
·????????Individual job/task training will be provided to all employees. Included in this training are the applicable regulations/standards for their job; the recognition, avoidance, and prevention of unsafe conditions; areas and activities that require personal protective equipment; and how to use protective equipment (such as respirators, etc.)
·????????Monthly/quarterly on-going safety training sessions will be conducted to provide information and training on new equipment, new procedures, new chemicals, refresher/remedial training in specific areas, or meet annual requirements. Such training may be held in conjunction with the safety briefings/meetings addressed elsewhere in this program.
·????????Various individual Safety Plans specify that training be provided to employees. Supervisors will ensure their employees are scheduled and provided this training as required. Examples of specified training include but not limited to:
??Fire extinguisher training
??PPE care and use
??Hazard communication
??Lockout/tagout procedures
??Ladders and Fall Protection
Training addressed above and all associated individual Safety Plan training will be documented in the employees' personnel records and/or in a master training record.
Hazard identification and elimination is not only an inherent responsibility of supervision in providing a safe workplace for employees, but also requires employee involvement. As such, hazard evaluation and control shall be an on-going concern for all. It is the responsibility of everyone (management, supervisors, and all employees) to identify, report, and correct, all possible hazards. Employees are particularly important in this process as they are in the best position to identify hazards in the workplace and day-to-day operations. Reporting hazards is a protected activity and no action will be taken against anyone for identifying unsafe conditions. Reports should be made to the safety manager or supervisor for appropriate action.
This company has a procedure for conducting inspections of workplaces/jobsites for compliance with health and safety rules. The purpose of the in-house inspection is to identify hazards and unsafe practices before they cause an injury or accident.
Formal safety and health inspections will be conducted under the following minimum timelines:
·????????Chief Building Engineer: Quarterly of all fixed facilities and properties using Appendix C.
·????????Property Manager: Annually of his/her areas or properties of responsibility using Appendix C.
·????????The company's health and safety program will be reviewed at least annually by a designated company official such as HR director, Operations Director, or Property Manager.
Formal safety and health inspections
Appendix C
This listing includes items, areas, and categories that may be looked at during health and safety inspections of the property. It is generic and not all inclusive but provides a guideline of areas to be surveyed or developed into a checklist for use during the inspection can be found as Appendix C of this Program.
·????????First aid safety and health equipment.
·????????Posters, signs required by OSHA and State Workers Rights, health, and safety programs.
·????????Accident reporting records.
·????????Employee training provided, such as health and safety talks, worker orientation. Records maintained.
·????????Equipment and tools (hand, power, welding, etc.): condition, use.
·????????HVAC mechanical rooms
·????????Telcom Rooms
·????????Electrical Rooms
·????????Elevator Machine rooms
·????????Roof hatches and safety guards
·????????Protective guards and devices: availability, use, proper maintenance, and operating condition.
·????????Housekeeping: maintaining clean work areas, free of trash/debris accumulation, tripping, and slipping hazards.
·????????Lighting: for adequacy and safety.
·????????Sanitation: water, toilets for cleanliness and proper operation.
·????????Noise hazards, hearing protection.
·????????Ventilation for gases, vapors, fumes, dusts.
·????????Availability of personal protective equipment: Hard hats/head protection, respirators, safety belts, lifelines, safety shoes, eye protection, gloves.
·????????Fire protection, prevention, and control, use of fire protection equipment.
·????????Other items as appropriate
For a health and safety program to be effective, it is vital that it be understood and implemented at all levels from management to all employees. The following are the primary OSHA safety rules and regulations applicable to our operations that must be complied with by our company. A complete set of standards may be found at the OSHA web site at .
·????????If you see someone working unsafe, speak up and tell the person
·????????Report unsafe conditions to your immediate supervisor.
·????????Promptly report all accidents/injuries/incidents to your immediate supervisor.
·????????Use eye and face protection where there is danger from flying objects or particles, (such as when grinding, chipping, burning, and welding, etc.) or from hazardous chemical splashes.
·?????????Dress properly. Wear appropriate work clothes, gloves, and shoes or boots. Loose clothing and jewelry shall not be worn.
·????????Operate machines or other equipment only when all guards and safety devices are in place and in proper operating condition.
·????????Keep all equipment in safe working condition. Never use defective tools or equipment. Report any defective tools or equipment to immediate supervisor.
·????????Properly care for and be responsible for all personal protective equipment (PPE). Wear or use any such PPE when required.
·????????Lockout or tagout or disconnect power on any equipment or machines before any maintenance, unjamming, and adjustments are made.
·????????Do not leave materials in aisles, walkways, stairways, work areas, or other points of egress.
·?????????Practice good housekeeping always.
·?????????Training on equipment is required prior to unsupervised operation.
·?????????Compliance with all governmental regulations/rules and all company safety rules in the following sections are required.
Proper housekeeping is the foundation for a safe work environment. It helps prevent accidents and fires, as well as creating a professional appearance in the work area.
·????????All work areas, floors, aisles, and stairways will be kept clean and orderly, and free of tripping and slipping hazards. Oils, greases, and other liquids will be immediately cleaned up if spilled.
·?????????Combustible scrap, debris, and garbage shall be removed from the work area at frequent and regular intervals.
·????????Egress; Stairways, walkways, exit doors, in front of electrical panels, or access to firefighting equipment will be kept clear of storage, materials, supplies, trash, and other debris.
·????????Overhead storage areas will be marked as to maximum load rating and no closer than 18” from ceiling.
·????????Proper Clearance will be made at a minimum of 36” in front of all electric panels.
·????????All portable fire extinguishers will be conspicuously located, accessible, and maintained in operating condition. Portable fire extinguishers will receive an annual service check and a monthly visual inspection. These will be documented on the tag on the extinguisher.
·????????All employees must know the location of firefighting equipment in the work area and have knowledge of its use and application.
·????????Exits will be marked as such by a readily visible sign. Other doors likely to be mistaken for an exit will be marked as to their character or "Not an Exit".
·????????Only approved safety cans shall be used for handling or storing flammable liquids in quantities greater than one gallon. For one or less gallon, only the original container or a safety can will be used.
·????????When heat producing equipment is used, the work area must be kept clear of all fire hazards and all sources of potential fires will be eliminated.
·????????Fire extinguishers will always be available when utilizing heat-producing equipment.
·????????Nothing will be stored on or near electric transformers
·????????36” clearance will be maintained in front of all electrical panels.
·????????When no medical facility is reasonably accessible (time and distance) to the workplace, a person who has a valid certificate of first aid training and first aid supplies will be available at the workplace to render first aid.
·????????Employees exposed to noise levels above the permissible noise level will use hearing protection. Hazardous noise areas will be posted, and hearing protection worn in those areas as required.
·????????Employees exposed to harmful gases, fumes, dust, and similar airborne hazards will be furnished protection through proper ventilation or personal respiratory equipment.
·????????Any demolition, renovation, or self-help work will be assessed for lead exposure, particularly if drywall or any painted surfaces or abrasive blasting/grinding is involved, and asbestos exposure.
·????????Personal protective equipment must be worn as required for each job in all operations where there is an exposure to hazardous conditions. This exposure is determined by a personal protective equipment hazard assessment of the workplace by the supervisor. Equipment selection and wearing requirements are determined from this assessment.
·????????Safety glasses, goggles, or face shields will be worn in those areas where there is a reasonable probability of injury to the eye from flying particles, molten metal, chemicals/acids/caustics, or light radiation, or other eye hazards.
·????????Head protection (hard hats) will be worn for protection from falling objects or work near energized electrical contact.
·????????Foot protection will be worn where there is danger to the foot from falling/rolling objects, objects piercing the sole or electrical hazards.
·????????Hand protection is required when hands are exposed to severe cuts/abrasions, chemical/thermal burns, or chemical absorption.
·????????Appropriate gloves, aprons, goggles, and boots will be used when necessary for protection against acids and other chemicals which could injure employees.
·????????Respiratory equipment in many cases is needed for protection against toxic and hazardous fumes/dusts. Supervisors must verify which equipment meets the need for breathing safety. Only MSHA/NIOSH approved equipment will be used.
·????????The use of safety harnesses and lanyards are required when working more than ten feet above a floor or ground level and there are no guardrails or other form of fall protection, and on certain suspended scaffolds. Each employee will be on a separate safety line, and this line will be adjusted so that the employee cannot fall more than six feet.
·????????Before any work or maintenance is performed on any machine, equipment, tool, water system or electrical system, they will be made totally safe before work starts by removing any source of energy or power to them, such as electrical, air/hydraulic pressure, spring/stored energy, water pressure, or thermal (heat/cold).
·????????The Lockout/Tagout Plan provides for a safe method of working on, near, or in machinery or equipment that can cause serious injury. This program will be used by all employees to ensure that the machine or equipment is stopped, isolated from all potentially hazardous energy sources, and locked out before employees perform any servicing or maintenance where the unexpected energization or start-up of the machine or equipment, or release of stored energy, could cause injury.
·????????Live electrical parts shall be guarded against accidental contact by cabinets, enclosures, location, or guarding. Open circuit breaker openings or knock out holes, broken receptacles/switches, missing covering plates, etc., will be reported to supervisors for repair or replacement.
·????????Working and clear space around electric equipment and distribution boxes will be kept clear and assessable.
·????????Circuit breakers, switch boxes, etc. will be legibly marked to indicate its purpose.
·????????All extension cords and electric powered tools (except double insulated) will be grounded. Ground prongs will not be removed.
·????????Electric cords and their strain relief devices will be in good condition, with no splices.
·????????Electric wiring/cords entering/exiting any panel/control/junction box will be secured with clamps or other appropriate strain relief device.
·????????Extension cords and other flexible cords will not be used in lieu of permanent wiring and receptacles if an extension is required beyond a few hours a surge protector will be purchased and placed into service.
·????????Cords will not be run through holes in doors, walls, floors, windows, nor will they be fastened to walls, poles, equipment, etc.
·????????All lamps below seven feet used for general illumination will have the bulbs protected against breakage. We do encourage the use of LEDs when replacing bulbs as they are typically incased in plastic.
·????????All flywheels, shafting, pulleys, belts, gears, sprockets, chains, and fan blades will be guarded/enclosed when located below seven feet above the floor or work platform.
·????????Guards installed on machinery and equipment, such as air compressors, conveyors, drill presses, etc., will not be removed when operating. Guards removed for servicing or other work on the machine or equipment will be immediately replaced upon completion of the work.
·????????Woodworking equipment, such as power saws, radial arm saws, table saws, nor portable abrasive grinders, will not be operated unless all required guards are in place. Feather boards and push boards will be used when necessary.
·????????All gas cylinders shall have their contents clearly marked on the outside of each cylinder.
·????????Cylinders must be transported, stored, and secured in an upright position. They will never be left lying on the ground or floor, nor used as rollers or supports.
·????????Cylinders stored at a facility will be secured with a safety chain.
·????????Cylinder valves must be protected with caps and closed when not in use.
·????????Oxygen cylinders and fittings will be kept away from oil and grease. Oxygen cylinders will be stored at least 20 feet from any fuel gas cylinder or separated by a fire barrier at least five feet high.
·????????When cylinders are hoisted, they will be secured in a cradle, sling-board, or pallet. Valve protection caps will not be used for lifting cylinders from one vertical level to another.
·????????Ladders will be inspected frequently to identify any unsafe conditions. Those ladders which have developed defects will be removed from service and repaired or replaced. They will be tagged or marked as such.
·????????Portable ladders will be placed as to prevent slipping, or if used on other than stable, level, and dry surfaces, will be tied off or held. A simple rule for setting up a ladder at the proper angle is to place the base from the vertical wall equal to one-fourth the working length of the ladder.
·????????Portable ladders will extend at least three feet above the upper level to which the ladder is used to gain access.
·????????The top of a stepladder will not be used as step.
·????????Only one person will be on a ladder at a time.
·????????Only approved safety cans, original containers, or portable tanks will be used to store flammable or combustible liquids.
·????????Above ground storage tanks will be separated from each other by a minimum of three feet or 1/6 the sum of their diameters. Dikes or drainage to prevent accidental discharge from reaching adjoining property or waterways will be provided.
·????????No more than 25 gallons of Class IA and 120 gallons of Class IB, IC, II, or III liquids may be stored outside a storage cabinet or an inside storage room.
·????????An emergency shut off switch located 15 - 75 feet from the pumps and a fire extinguisher will be provided at company fuel servicing areas.
·????????All cranes/hoists will be inspected prior to each use to make sure it is in safe operating condition.
·????????A monthly inspection of hooks, running ropes, and hoist chains will be made and a certification record to include date, inspector signature, and hook/rope/chain identifier will be maintained.
·????????Inspections of frequent (daily-monthly) and periodic (1-12 months) intervals, depending on severity of use, will be made of all cranes. See 1910.179(j) for inspection requirements.
·????????The rated load of the crane/hoist will be plainly marked on each side of the crane. If the crane has more than one hoisting unit, each rating will be marked on the unit or its load block.
·????????Loads will never be swung over the heads of workers in the area.
·????????Tag lines must be used to control loads and keep workers away.
·????????Loads, booms, and rigging will be kept at least 10 feet from energized electrical lines rated 50 KV or lower unless the lines are de-energized. For lines rated greater that 50 KV follow Safety Health and Safety Rules and Regulations, 1910.180(j).
·????????Job or shop hooks or other makeshift fasteners using bolts, wire, etc. will not be used.
·????????All slings will be inspected each day before use. Damaged or defective slings will be immediately removed from service. In addition, alloy chain slings will receive a thorough inspection periodically (at least annually).
·????????Alloy steel chain slings, metal mesh slings, and synthetic web slings will have permanently affixed identification, markings, or coding to show rated capacities.
·????????Hot Work Permit Required also see Hot Work PLAN
·????????Combustible material will be cleared for a radius of 35 feet from the area around cutting or welding operations. If the combustible material cannot be cleared or the work cannot be moved, then the welding/cutting will not be done.
·????????Welding helmets and goggles will be worn for eye protection and to prevent flash burns. Eye protection will be worn to guard against slag while chipping, grinding, and dressing of welds.
·????????Welding screens will be used and in proper position to protect nearby workers from welding rays.
·????????Cables, leads, hoses, and connections will be placed so that there is no fire or tripping hazards. Cables will not be wrapped around the welder's body.
·????????Oxygen cylinders will be stored at least 20 feet from fuel gas cylinders or separated by a noncombustible fire wall with a one-half hour rating at least five high.
·????????Valve protection caps will be in place on cylinders not in use.
·????????Ventilation is a prerequisite for welding in any confined spaces.
·????????Hand tools with broken/cracked handles, mushroomed heads, or other defects will not be used. Files will have handles installed.
·????????Take special precautions when using power tools. Defective tools will be removed form service.
·????????Power tools will be turned off and motion stopped before setting tool down.
·????????Tools will be disconnected from power source before changing drills, blades, or bits, or attempting repair or adjustment. Never leave a running tool unattended.
·????????Power saws, table saws, and radial arm saws will have operational blade guards installed and used. Anti-kickback teeth and spreaders will be used when rip sawing.
·????????Portable abrasive side-winder grinders will have guards installed covering the upper and back portions of the abrasive wheel. Wheel speed ratings will never be less than the grinder RPM speed.
·????????Pedestal grinders will be permanently mounted, tool rests installed and adjusted to within 1/8 inch of the wheel, tongue guards installed and adjusted to within 1/4 inch of the wheel, and side spindle/nut guards installed.
·????????Air compressor receivers will be drained frequently to prevent buildup of water in the tank.
·????????Compressed air will not be used for cleaning purposes except when pressure is reduced to less than 30 psi by regulating or use of a safety nozzle, and then only with effective chip guarding and proper personal protective equipment.
·????????An employee may never use compressed air to clean their body or clothing.
·????????Any employee-furnished tools of any nature must meet all Wyoming Workers' Safety and ANSI requirements.
·????????All open sided floors and platforms four feet or more above adjacent floor/ground level will be guarded by a standard railing (top and mid rail, toe board if required).
·????????All stairways of four or more risers will be guarded by a handrail, or stair rails on the open side. Handrails or stair rails will be provided on both sides if the stairs are more than 44 inches wide.
·????????When a hole or floor opening is created during a work activity, a cover or a barricade must be installed immediately.
·????????Safety harnesses, belts, lanyards, lines, and lifelines may be used in lieu of other fall protection systems to provide the required fall protection.
·????????Adjustment of lanyards must provide for a not more than a six-foot fall, and all tie off points must be at least waist high.
·????????Scaffold platforms more than ten feet above the ground, floor, or lower level will have standard guardrails (consisting of top rail, mid rail, and toe board) installed on all open sides and ends of platforms.
·????????Planking will be laid tight; overlap at least 12 inches and extend over end supports 6 - 12 inches.
·????????Mobile scaffolds will be erected no more than a maximum height of four times their minimum base dimension.
·????????Scaffolds will not be overloaded beyond their design loadings.
Only authorized and trained employees will operate forklifts and other industrial trucks. The Employee must be certified by a 3rd party training company.
·????????Employee must hold a training card and record issued by a 3rd party certified safety trainer
·????????Safe speeds, load handling, turning, and other safe driving practices will always be followed.
·????????Operators will ensure loads are stable and/or secure before moving.
·????????Employees will not operate any forklift that needs repairs, defective, or unsafe. Such forklifts will be removed from service for repair.
Only trained employees will operate aerial lifts (cherry pickers, extensible and articulating boom platforms). The Employee must be certified by a 3rd party training company.
·????????Employee must hold a training card and record issued by a 3rd party certified safety trainer
·????????A body belt or harness will be worn, and a lanyard attached to the boom or basket when working from an aerial lift.
·????????Employees will stand firmly on the basket floor, and not sit/stand/ climb on the edge of the basket. Planks, ladders, or other devices will not be used for additional elevation.
·????????Aerial lift trucks will not be moved with workers in an elevated basket.
·????????Lift controls will be tested each day prior to use.
Any excavation or trench five feet or more in depth (or less than five feet and showing potential of cave-in) will be provided cave-in protection through shoring, sloping, benching, or the use of trench shields. Specific requirements of each system are dependent upon the soil classification as determined by a competent person.
·????????A competent person will inspect each excavation/trench daily prior to start of work, after every rainstorm or other hazard increasing occurrence, and as needed throughout the shift.
·????????Means of egress will be provided in trenches four feet or more in depth to require no more than 25 feet of lateral travel for each employee in the trench.
·????????Spoil piles and other equipment will be kept at least two feet from the edge of the trench or excavation.
If employees work on a site with a confined space that contains or has the potential to contain an atmospheric or physical hazard work must be performed by a certified confined space entry contractor that issues their own permitting, atmospheric testing, and watch.
OSHA uses the term "permit-required confined space" (permit space) to describe a confined space that has one or more of the following characteristics: contains or has the potential to contain a hazardous atmosphere; contains material that has the potential to engulf an entrant; has walls that converge inward or floors that slope downward and taper into a smaller area which could trap or asphyxiate an entrant; or contains any other recognized safety or health hazard, such as unguarded machinery, exposed live wires, or heat stress.
·????????This Policy is notice to employees that only a 3rd party certified in confined space work may enter confined spaces.
·????????A confined space site plan should be created and posted if applicable to any site with confined spaces.
·????????If possible, confined spaces should be identified with OSHA approved signs?
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