Commercial Property Owners Save....

Commercial Property Owners Save....

My consulting company has produced a record number of Cost Segregation Studies this year. We have increased Cash Flow cumulatively for these owners by $2,650, 000 just in 2015 alone. 

Cost Segregation is the practice of identifying assets and their costs, and classifying those assets for federal tax purposes.  In a cost segregation study, certain costs previously classified as subject to 39-year depreciable life, can instead be classified as personal property or land improvements, with a 5, 7, or 15-year rate of depreciation using accelerated methods.  An "engineering-based" study allows a building owner to depreciate a new or existing structure in the shortest amount of time permissible under current tax laws. 

The benefits of a cost segregation study include:

  • An immediate increase in cash flow
  • A reduction in current tax liability
  • The deferral of taxes
  • The ability to reclaim "missed" depreciation deductions from prior years (without having to amend tax returns)


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