Comments: Europe at a Crossroads: What Comes After the End of the Post-War Order?
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Comments: Europe at a Crossroads: What Comes After the End of the Post-War Order?

Katrin Eigendorf argues that Trump's stance on Ukraine marks a geopolitical turning point, signaling the U.S.’s departure from the post-war order, weakening NATO, and forcing Europe to take full responsibility for its defense while potential new alliances emerge.

Here's the link to her post on LinkedIn:

Summary of the Comments by the LinkedIn Community

European Defense Alone Is Not Enough - Several comments argue that Europe must first resolve its political fragmentation before focusing solely on defense. Questions remain about decision-making processes, a common financial and foreign policy, and how to handle countries like Hungary and the Visegrád states. Some suggest a "Europe of two speeds" or a defense alliance outside the EU, including the UK and potentially Turkey.

A Unified European Foreign and Defense Policy Is Crucial - A common European foreign and defense policy, including a unified EU military, is necessary. The inefficiency of having 27 different types of tanks is highlighted. Moreover, European countries should not be dependent on Germany’s approval for weapons deliveries to Ukraine, as this hinders military aid.

Trump’s Self-Interest and Natural Resource Deals - Trump is primarily driven by personal gain, particularly in securing access to natural resources. Some speculate he has already negotiated a division of Ukraine’s resources with Putin. However, they believe that once the U.S. returns to democratic governance, these "deals" can be reversed.

The Post-War Order Is Over—Europe Must Adapt Quickly - Trump's recent speech confirms that the world has shifted from a post-war order to a pre-war order. The U.S. is abandoning multilateralism and embracing power politics, jeopardizing European security. Europe must now take full responsibility for its defense, and the key question is no longer "if" but "how" to adapt—and fast.

A Strategic Reassessment Rather Than Panic - Some argue that instead of reacting emotionally to Trump’s policy shift, Europe must respond strategically. Key takeaways include: Avoiding a trade war with the U.S.; strengthening security without escalating conflict with Russia; Collaborating with Turkey and other partners for geopolitical stability; Enhancing economic independence, especially by deepening ties with the Global South

Trust in International Law Is Eroding - Trump’s actions have significantly eroded trust in the international legal order, and rebuilding that trust will be difficult. One key challenge for the EU is how to deal with "failed states" within its own ranks, such as Hungary.

The Era of Friendship Is Over - Some commenters state bluntly that the U.S. is no longer a reliable partner. Both Trump and Putin warn of World War III while simultaneously fueling the conditions for conflict. Treaties and legal frameworks are losing their relevance, and only power dynamics now dictate global affairs.

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