Comments on Crowdstrike’s effect on central August 31, 2024
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Comments on Crowdstrike’s effect on central
August 31, 2024
Comments on Crowdstrike’s effect on central stations from article on August 21, 2024
I referred your article on August 21, 2024 to Senator Hawley’s office with this note:
Please see to it that Senator Josh Hawley receives the following thread from another alarm dealer indicating our electrical grid is DEFINITELY at risk.
I realize people right now are focused on the upcoming elections – however, if the grid goes down, we are in deep doo doo and the election will not make any difference!
*I’m surprised the people ‘in the know’ have not been screaming about hardening our infrastructure – everyone in this country should be contacting their representatives and demanding things are brought ‘up to snuff’ to ensure they are safe and sound!
Joe Pfefer
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I received an endorsement of Trump, which I am not sending along as this is not a political forum [though I agreed with it], but wanted to pass along a few comments that were relevant to the topic:
“Ken you wrote: "First of all, you should anticipate that I will send comments out. You took the time to write it and almost all comments are circulated.”
Yes, Rapid Response Monitoring's facilities and personnel rate a 10++ (I've been there) and it is a place that is MAKING AMERICA GREAT. Others should follow their example!
Vote TRUMP (Yes he has his issues, but do you want to make AMERICA GREAT AGAIN or become a third world losing socialist nation not respected? We are almost there!)
(Also an Air Force Veteran who fought for this country)”
Another comment
Haha, hopefully Russ will also have stockpiled the essentials, cigars, whiskey, steak…
Daniel J. Boyd, President
Boyd & Associates
Another comment
Thanks for posting that.
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