Commenting Into the Void
It's no worse than applying online. More often than not, Notifications have not worked. Replies are delayed. For a site that wants its users spending more time on it they need to fix notifications.
Sometimes I have no notifications. The next day there are thirty or more. Everyone I commented with last night responded or someone else added to the post.
It is hard to say what the story is; why notifications are delayed. Don't depend on the dopamine rush. Sometimes ten notifications come at once. It is possible to receive two quickly- a reaction and a response.
Sometimes people reply at the same time. I don't think that would happen synchronously with multiple people. I keep on commenting.
Is this a "New Feature"? Nothing anyone wants. I was put off to instant messaging because it is not really instant. Not like a conversation or a phone call. Even a ten second delay can ruin momentum.
Not every feature is needed for everyone.If you don't have Notifications you are not being snubbed. It is not a shadow ban. Check back later or tomorrow. If you need a question answered before the close of business- it might be more effective to pick up the phone.
I cannot say if there is a glitch or what the problem is. It can be disheartening. Push through. If you aren't receiving notifications it is probably a sign that you should log off for the moment and do something else.