Commentary on Politics, Pulpits, Parents, and Leadership

Commentary on Politics, Pulpits, Parents, and Leadership

So, what do you think about what's going on with our country right now? Or, better yet, with our government?? ?

I can't remember in my lifetime, ever, a time like this. Obviously, I wasn't around for the "great depression" of the early 30's, and I suppose those who lived through that time would say it was a tougher time back then. But the difference this time is we have the luxury of living under the delusion of "credit", something that was unheard of in the 1930's. Back then you either had the cash or you didn't and there was no such thing as borrowing to raise your debt limit. Thus, when you were broke it showed and everybody knew it.

?As a country and individuals, we are again in the same condition of the great depression, but we just can't see it because we are still able to maintain our comfortable lifestyle based on money that is created out of thin air by the Federal Reserve and banks, called credit, that we agree to pay back, with interest, someday.? However, should we somehow get into a situation where we lose our job or can't pay back the credit loan we borrowed, the bank then takes away our car or home or whatever, but it does not recover the money it lost. So what do they do? Just take the loss? No way. They find other ways and people to get that money back through all kinds of extra charges for checking accounts, banking fees, ATM charges, raising interest rates on credit cards and making more credit loans to more people, etc. and the system just keeps on moving right along. Or, if things get desperate because the bank loans out more money that it has and runs out of money because no one they lent it to can pay it back, no problem. They just turn to the Federal Reserve and government, who turns to us, the taxpayer, and tells us they are going to increase our taxes so they can give the broke banks more money so that we can then go to the bank and pay them interest to lend us the money we just gave them (Whew! Dude, I'm tired already).

?Now, there is a lot more to it than that, but the bottom line is that even if we can't afford the stuff we want and need, we can still go out to the Lakers game, Super Bowl, Vegas, and/or the nearest Casino. Buy another car or other expensive toys; iPhone, iPad and any other number of gadgets and gizmos and continue to enjoy the American lifestyle even though we're technically broke. ?

?This is why I believe there isn't more outrage by the American people on what has been going on for a long time but as long as it didn't disrupt my weekends and leisure, I'm good. The powers that be know how to keep us entertained and distracted from what is really going on. It can be likened to being a passenger on the "Titanic". The people initially knew something was wrong, but as long as the music was playing, people were partying and dancing and those in charge kept assuring them that "everything is fine", they paid the situation no mind until it became obvious to everyone that the situation was much worse than they had first been led to believe. However, we can't point the finger of blame because if we have chosen to participate, we are just as guilty as those who mislead us. Ignorance might be bliss, but it's no excuse for choosing to remain that way when all the warning signs and red lights are flashing before your eyes telling you something isn't right.

?Let's be honest. Weren't the gas stations still fairly full even though we complained about the price of gas when it went over $5-6? Yes, we complained and probably cut back on a trip or two, but we still participated in the scam because as long as the problems in our country don't directly affect my comfortable lifestyle too much, I'll tolerate an inconvenience here and there.? But the problem is that I don't really know the full extent of the problem until now, when it's too late. ?

?So what have we been told and sold again? Basically, that we as a whole country are in the same position as the individual that can't pay back their loans and are about to default on our credit (again). What are we talking about here? A global economy dependent upon the U.S. dollar. We're talking about the possibility of no longer leading economically (we've already lost the lead in education, engineering, electronics and exports). We're talking about the United States of America - the largest debtor nation in the history of the world - not being able to meet our obligations. America in default, really, whoever heard of such a thing? How could this happen to us, the big, bad, strong, secure, stable US of A?

?Many Americans don't know enough about these huge issues that our leaders are supposed to be taking care of. It's not like we haven't faced tough times before as a nation. But I think we all sense that this time it's different and we're all just kind of waiting for things to get better (like they always do), for something to break, for someone to do something, right? I mean, isn't that what it always comes down to; someone to get up, rise up and "do something!" ?

?In other words, this is the perfect time for leadership. But instead of leaders leading, all we continue to get are politicians making empty speeches, never answering honest questions with straightforward honest answers. More politicians making more unrealistic promises, campaigning and criticizing to get into office only to break their promises because they get eaten alive by the corrupt culture they spent millions to become a part of. Did they really think they could change things? Or was it all a show simply to join the ranks of the elite class who seem to be the only ones exempt from all the laws they pass for the rest of us normal citizens?

?So, what do we do? We watch and listen. But we know we're not getting the truth. We know we're not getting all the facts; of course not. How could they dare trust the public with the truth? After all, if the American public really knew the truth there would be a revolution in this country, they say. There would be protests in the streets everywhere by citizens demanding their money, their rights and pleading for their country back from the hostage takers. But who are the hostage takers? Where has our country gone and who is responsible? Stores are closing, buildings are empty, manufacturing plants are ghost towns, strip malls are left for the graffiti artists, farms are going out of business, and job applications continue to pile up with no response. Gas and food prices go up, college tuition goes up, the price of tickets to the show and sports events go up - but the value of the American dollar continues to go down…Yet the Federal government continues to grow. What's up?

?How many wars are we the tax payers paying for now? I lost count. How many bailouts are the tax payers funding now (which really amounted to providing millions of dollars in bonuses and retroactive salaries to Wall Street Bankers)? Who's getting a tax break, who's getting a tax hike, and how exactly can our broke country afford to pay for health insurance for all? Sorry, but I get lost in the translation of political speak, lawyer talk and TV punditry. Speaking of which, whatever happened to straight talk on the news where we are given the facts so we can make up our own minds, rather than have someone give us our opinion of what we just heard someone say. Do we really need someone to tell us for an hour, what someone else just said in a twenty minute speech? Thanks man, but no thanks. I heard what was said and I can form my own opinions thank you very much. But I digress.

?Now, I don't know about you, but how does that saying go about "fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me". Because the plain truth is that we are being played for a fool again. We heard this speech before. It goes something like this: "If we don't act NOW, global catastrophe will happen". Right? That was the panic speech they used on us last time to pass the 2008 "Troubled Asset Relief Program" (TARP) that was supposed to fix all our problems. Now we are hearing the same panic speech about the desperate need to raise the amount of money our broke country can borrow (Something called the “Omnibus Bill” The amount starts with a "T", but I'm still having trouble pronouncing it because I was raised in the generation where we spoke in "millions" and I was barely learning to speak in "billions" before they came up with this new term for DEBT and INTEREST called Trillions. Where will it end?). ?

?So, let me get this straight. To fix our current "economic crisis", the smartest people in the room (Politicians and their expert advisors) are recommending that a country that spends too much, borrow more to spend, dig the debt whole deeper, and obligate generations to come to continue to pay interest on more debt to some happy global central bankers somewhere. Sounds like a good deal for someone, but not the American taxpayer. "But if it's not good for America, why would our government agree to it? Surely our leaders have our best interests in mind". Moving right along...

?At this point some of you are probably saying, "Now Richard, let's leave these big issues to the experts". Uh, OK, but I have a couple of questions. Do I have to keep paying for their decisions? And if so, do I get to vote on it this time? I mean, I kind of felt good for a minute, several years back, when the President said "we" (The USA, you know, of the people, by the people, for the people) were the new owners of General Motors (automobile industry) and several banks (Cha-Ching $$$). But I haven't seen my profit statement yet and I'm kind of wondering how I benefitted from that transaction (I'm scratching my head as I write).

?Well, of course I could go on venting, but the bigger question now is what are we going to do? What should we do? What can we do? Answer: it's time for citizen leadership. Why?

·?????? Because Washington DC is bent on doing what they're going to do no matter what the voice of the American people says.

·?????? Many of the decisions and policies made don't seem to make sense and administration after administration (Both Republican and Democrat) continue to go down the road of "America second" (and in some cases maybe even third).

·?????? How can we explain this trend? First, at the highest levels of government there are a history of pressures and circumstances that we will never be privy to and thus we can never understand why decisions at the top are going to be made whether we agree with them or not.

·?????? Second, congress and the constitution are becoming more and more irrelevant and obsolete in the new global community. For those citizens who have even a basic knowledge of the constitution, we see this happening more and more as congress seems to be informed about what they need to vote on: war, money, and legislation…but congressional powers continue to be usurped by each passing Executive branch of our government.

For these reasons and more I'm sounding the alarm for leadership at the community level.

?Leadership can come from a number of different places and with the internet and social media; leadership can be expressed instantly to influence masses of people very quickly. We have seen the effects of this recently in different places. You might agree or disagree with the particular "cause", but the point is how quickly your voice can be heard and has influence. That's leadership.

?Specifically, there are three particular voices of leadership we need at this particular time in our country, because, as I said, those who are supposed to lead and look out for our best interests seem to be on a whole different page than the average American family.

?First we need the voice of Teachers. And more specifically, History teachers who can educate the next generation on the foundational principles our country was founded on and strive to give them a sense of pride and loyalty to what made our country great. There is a passage in the Bible that says, "and there arose another generation after them, who knew not the Lord, nor yet the works he had done for Israel. And the children of Israel did evil in the sight of the Lord and served Baalim." (Jud.2.10, 11). This reminds me of the direction our country is headed in. How often have we heard about American youth who graduate from high school…yet don't know the basics about our country, starting with our history, founding documents and the principles of our democracy?? ?

?The effects of this are already being felt now and will increase in the lifetime of my children and grandchildren. It makes me wonder where it will all lead. For example, I remember, during the 2008 Presidential campaign, then candidate Obama was asked by Pastor Rick Warren when he believed human life began in the womb of a pregnant mother. His reply was that he couldn't answer because the question was above his "pay grade". But after he was elected President he traveled to the Middle East and while in Egypt he gave a speech in which he told the Muslim audience that America was NOT A CHRISTIAN NATION! What? America is not a Christian nation? - did I hear our President correctly? How can anyone familiar with our history make such a statement, let alone the leader of our country?! To deny our Christian heritage is to strike a blow at the very foundation of our national essence. It is the reason why we have been so blessed and a major blessing to all nations of the modern world. With all due respect to President Obama, that statement is where he overstepped his "pay grade" and the scary part is thinking about where our country will end up in the hands of younger generations who do not know their real history or constitution and therefore cannot and will not recognize the counterfeit country that fits into the new order of things, which is a far cry from the original order that made our country great.

??Secondly, we need the voice of Preachers. What is a "preacher" and what is their role in society? And for that matter, what is "the Church" and what is its role in society? These are big questions and questions we need to ponder and discuss (debate?) and think about given the fast changing environment we see all around us. Is there a role of leadership for the preacher and church in our society? If so, what is it? Where does it begin and end and who decides? ?

?For some time now we have been sold this idea about "separation of church and state", which was twisted around from its original meaning; to protect the people in the church from state (government) control. Our country was founded on the principle of freedom "of" religion - not freedom "from" religion. The twisting of this original meaning has gotten so out of hand and ridiculous that the norm now is schools that have removed all symbols and references to Christianity, removed the words "under God" from our national pledge of allegiance, and colleges that will arrest anyone who attempts to pray for the benediction at a graduation ceremony. All of these things used to be abnormal. I could go on, but the question is - where are the preachers? What does the church have to say about it? Or have the preachers and churches bought into this anti-Christian, anti-American, politically correct belief of separation of church and state? ?

?Simply put a "preacher" is a herald of "good news". A teacher of the gospel of Christ, a person with a divine calling to proclaim freedom from sins, salvation from sin and the hope of eternal life with God. Preachers and the church in general, have another role and that is to be the prophetic voice of conscience to unrighteous secular and religious leadership. The Bible is filled with example after example of this role and we must not back off it now. Preachers and churches of all denominations, sects and interpretations have argued for centuries about this role and I have no doubt the debate will continue. Nevertheless, in my opinion, it is crucial during this hour on the prophetic time clock of God, that preachers stand up and speak truth to power. And likewise, and perhaps more importantly, speak truth to the powerless.

?In speaking truth to the powerless they are informed of the abuse of authority. The preacher also provides interpretation of the times in which we are living to give the powerless freedom, proper guidance, and hope to persist in pursing the important things in this secular world. Too many people and too many preachers think it good to never discuss "politics in the pulpit", but I would beg to differ and say that they have an obligation and sacred duty to do so. I'm not suggesting that politics be the subject of each week's sermon. But from time to time, it's important to give the people a scriptural view and interpretation of the times that will serve to motivate them to affirm their priorities, confirm their faith, and draw themselves and their loved ones closer to God.

?Thirdly, we need the voice of Parents. Every generation has those extraordinary men and women who have risen to the challenges of their time. And it is my contention that the extraordinary men and women of our time who must rise up and take on the challenges for such a time as this, perhaps more so than teachers and preachers, are parents. I believe in the saying, "the hand that rocks the cradle rules the world" and even where public, government, and religious institutions fail, parents are the secret weapon that can preserve our future by influencing the hearts and minds of their children to be the right kind of person to do the right thing, in a right way, at the right time and for the right reason. ?

?In particular, mothers seem to be gifted even more than fathers to plant, nurture and cultivate to fruition the seeds of greatness in their children. Almost every great individual of history that grew up to have national and global influence attributes their success to their mother. Abraham Lincoln said, "All that I am or hope to be I owe to my angel mother." John Quincy Adams said, "All that I am my mother made me."? A Jewish proverb says, "God could not be everywhere, so he created mothers." And quoting the words of the poet Joaquin Miller, "The greatest battle that ever was fought - Shall I tell you where and when? On the maps of the world you will find it not: It was fought by the mothers of men." ?

You see, leadership doesn't mean you have to be in charge. It doesn't mean you have to be in front of the crowd. It doesn't mean you have to be the boss and it doesn't mean you have to be an expert on everything. But what it does mean is that you have to have the courage to act! It means you need to use your creative imagination to come up with ideas that will benefit you, your children and others, regardless of what those "in charge" do or don't do. ?

Complaining is natural and criticism is easy, but if it doesn't lead to action to try and better the situation, then it's only another opinion and we don't need more opinions as much as we need more leadership; Leadership that comes from the bottom up, from the margins to the mainstream, and it can all start in your home with you, the parents. By using the rights and privileges our constitution grants us; voting, writing, calling, protesting, picketing, organizing, educating and acting we can make a real difference. But if nothing else, one of the most powerful weapons we have as parents is being a role model of morality and courage to live for our values and stand for our principles that will preserve a better nation for our posterity. We don't have to follow blindly and we don't have to feel helpless. We can lead with revelation in a revolutionary way. I call it being a "Parent on a Mission" and it begins in the heart and home. Let it begin with you today. Otherwise, all we are left with is watching, listening, complaining and criticizing from the stands. But, right now, leadership is calling you out of the stands and onto the field to get dirty and play full out for the sake of your children, family, community and country.

Blessings to all,

Richard R. Ramos



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