A commentary on the evolution vs. dissolution of societal norms.
Francesco Leboffe
Global Leadership @ Transparent Leadership | Strategic Vision, Creative Leadership
Societies that quietly accepts no accountability for the wrong doing and corruption of those who claim to be the Leaders of said society, is ultimately poised for dissolution.
History has thought us, over, and over again, that if a society knowingly and willingly weakens and marginalize the rule-of-law to forgive the criminal behavior of a Leader, or powerful collective of individuals, it simultaneously weakens the very construct of that Society.
Although very far from perfection, it has taken human-kind tens of thousands of years to evolve in a more civil, more equitable, more just, more accepting, and more humane society.
Why are we abandoning the hard-fought progress that was handed down by the sacrifices, pain, and hard work of the multiple generations that preceded us?
We the people had a choice to either follow the truth, the facts, and data driven analysis, or follow misinformation, disinformation, conspiracy theories that led us to where we are today.
(23% of 332 million fellow citizens, or 50% of the 153 million votes cast 3 weeks ago, chose not to follow the facts.)
I am very saddened by the erosion of our Democracy, which afforded us the freedoms and independence to think and express our thoughts about our institutions that help defend the rule of law and strengthen our society.
As I re-read what we have been thought by many sage and courageous servant leaders throughout history, I keep asking myself: “How did we get here, what did we do wrong, and what major societal changes did we ignore?”
One of many answers is: We chose to stop thinking, and abdicated our independence to those who told us in the first place that they going to take it away.
We went from René Descartes' “Cogito ergo sum,” ....“I think therefore I am” ....to a very passive “I am; therefore, I do not need to think.”
For the benefit of humanity, hope for a New-Renaissance, that will help return us to logic, analysis, discourse, and resolution of the greatest schism in our collective lifetimes.
Please read, study, be inquisitive, and most of all, always respect the diverse thinking of others by being humble and empathetic, not arrogant and self-centered.
I wish us all a great renewal of independence of thought and expression.
Be well. Happy Thanksgiving.
Thank you for reading.
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