To Comment OR Not to Comment
Right Strategies
Helping our next generation of conservative candidates learn how to run for office, share their vision, and WIN!
Responding to the days happening can be a tempting strategy for any first-time candidate. I mean, who wouldn’t want to respond to the latest craziness that the left is pushing out. Some of these issues can be very important to respond to, but not everything needs a comment. When thinking about if you want to respond to something in the national news, first think about how it affects your community. As people often say, “All Politics is Local.” Is this an issue that will directly affect your constituents? If it is not, then maybe consider holding comment. Voters want you to feel like you have their best interests and mind, and it might turn voters off to hear about issues that they don’t care about.
Another thing you want to think about is whether it is a red meat issue. Red meat issues are issues that are core to the Republican base. Pro-Life, 2nd?Amendment, and lower taxes are all examples of red meat issues for conservatives. If something important happens in these areas, commenting can help you solidify your Republican bona fides. This is especially important in primaries where your opponent is trying to run to your right. But be careful not to leap too far to the right where general election voters could be affected by your words. The aim is to win both elections, striking the best tone in each one.
Finally, do you have something valuable to add to the conversation? Say it is a local, red-meat issue where you feel like you must comment. Make sure you are saying something that is true to your heart, and something that adds value to the conversation. Just regurgitating talking points or other people’s words won’t resonate with voters. Tell voters how YOU feel on the issue and WHY you are taking the stance you are. They will feel your sincerity and reward you with their vote in the end. If you need any help with messaging on a variety of issues, make sure to contact us at?[email protected]?and see how we can help!