Comment on COPS monitoring supports video; an answer to no or slow police response November 28, 2023
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Comment on COPS monitoring supports video; an answer to no or slow police response
November 28, 2023
Comment on COPS monitoring supports video; an answer to no or slow police response from article on November 20, 2023
Your Newsletter of 11/20/23 again highlighted the “false alarm problem” that is believed to be causing “slow-or-no-police-response” to private alarm systems., all of which could collapse RMR market values. Even the Editor of SDM Magazine, Anne Armel, presented a feature article titled, “False Alarms Could Destroy What Industry Has Built”, dated July 1990. Yes, 1990. And I have been pounding the same drums of doom and gloom for many decades. Serious problems cannot, will not, continue and grow for many decades.
My theories and observations have been flawed, and now I look awfully foolish, because “false alarms” are the core ingredient for the very successful “deterrent type” business model for millions of RMR alarm systems.
We now know the real problem is a “911 Problem”. Not a “False Alarm Problem”. However false alarms “cause” the 911 Problem, by overloading the 911 System with excessive use of public emergency resources, for private purposes. The solution remains the same …. stop the flow of unnecessary emergency response.
Observations by
Lee Jones Support Services Group
I think the comments by David Smith at COPS were a bit different than portrayed above. Among other comments he opined that video verification enhances the reliability of alarm signals, which in turn increases the priority of police response. He mentioned that COPS has a special division for video monitoring;
The advantages of video monitoring, especially live video with two way audio, should be obvious. The opportunity for dealers increasing their services to customers, offering more security, the latest and greatest in technology, should be equally obvious.
Video monitoring is expensive compared to digital, radio or cellular monitoring. Being able to view the premises in real time, as opposed to getting a signal that the alarm system has been triggered without really knowing why, makes all the difference.
The security and fire alarm industry has had tremendous growth over the past 50 years. Despite the doom and gloomers, I suppose including Jim, the industry flourishes. If you're not, that's on you, not the industry. How do you start? Well here's a few ideas:
* Join the K&K Concierge Program
* get and use K&K Standard Form Agreements
* use the vendors on The Alarm Exchange, and be sure to compare them
* take advantage of all the vendors in each category
* engage marketing consultants from The Alarm Exchange
* grow your RMR
* work hard, make money, live well and retire comfortably, probably rich
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