Commanding the Power of Your Thoughts
When I started to write this piece, I had been going through a huge mind-shift for a couple of months.
I don't know if it was due to the full moon (March 2008) which produced a fair amount of spontaneous healing in regards to my inner child, or if it had to do with the Ph D in metaphysics that I was studying, or even if it perhaps had to do with having won my local speech contest as part of my dream of becoming a motivational speaker…
But the truth is that my mind had shifted from a place where self-doubt used to diminish my courage to do new things, to a place where I could command my thoughts and no longer pay attention to that familiar and debilitating fear whenever I was faced with a new challenge.
The other day my husband came home saying that they were going to rise petrol prices, yet again, and in quite a considerable amount. He then proceeded to go on to say how scientists now know that it is too late to avoid the meltdown of the Poles, that all that can be done is slow it down, that the sea levels will rise and that resources of the Earth will be all but run out within the next 50 years.
I heard him. I know the story. We all know the story.
Thank Goodness, I thought to myself, that we had a little car at the time, which was not very expensive to run; because in my home, we do try to do our best to conserve energy and we are conscious of recycling, eating organic food, not wasting resources (especially water)... and finally we decided to have only one child as our contribution to this overpopulated world.
If I had been my old self, automatically a feeling of fear and despair would have taken me over and it would have taken me quite a while to overcome it. I would maybe have even shed a few tears and would have had to sit down for a while in order to put myself together emotionally, or have a bath, or go for a walk, or meditate. My mind would have run far away into my daughter's future and I would have felt so sad for what she might have to endure…
But my new mindset, newly-achieved thought-control attitude, kicked in straight away and I told him:
"Yes, this is real. But I believe that we live in a holographic world and that really what you believe becomes true. All you will ever have is the power of your thoughts to command in order to create the reality you want to experience. Start training your mind so that all what you have just mentioned may never have to be experienced by us".
He remained silent. I know that he did hear me. He nodded.
In the past, his law-and-finance mindset would simply look at reality in a way in which he would adopt a perspective based on physical proof. Nothing I could say would make him shift this perspective.
However, as I said, there has been a lot of inner-child healing since the last March full moon and he was ready, this time, to come along to the light and become light himself: to see hope.
That was one episode of shifting negativity with the power of the mind.
The next one was when I won the local speech contest in my Toastmasters club: I immediately visualized representing my club in the area contest.
Usually, in the past, I would fear the event and would hope and wish to win, especially because this could become a great opportunity to get known. Yet, this time, I turned my thinking around and said out loud "I am a winner".
I no longer wished it - I kind of knew it.
I said to myself that no matter what I did, I was right on track towards my life mission; whether I was a winner or a loser, successful or not, that at some level I had attracted the necessary lesson for my growth. Because my words carry the intention of transmuting negativity into positive energy, therefore, whenever I have an opportunity to speak in public, I win!
Dr Wayne W. Dyer says in The Power of Intention that "one individual who lives and vibrates to the energy of optimism and a willingness to be non-judgmental of others will counterbalance the negativity of 90,000 individuals who calibrate at the lower weakening levels ".
So, in my mind, I am a winner since I am putting myself out to do a service beyond the material and social standards of success. Beyond fame and name, I am spiritually successful by counterbalancing or cancelling out the energy of so many individuals who live in fear of scarcity and who believe that you must take before someone else takes from you. Just the mentality that is stripping the earth's resources!
Two days afterwards I received a call, out of the blue, from a magazine editor who wanted to offer me a job as a freelance writer and sub-editor. I was over the moon! It was my dream job.
But I had been warned this individual was not very trust-worthy. As it was, although originally this lady told me that in the new job there would be tight deadline requirements, that they needed me desperately and that I should start working straight away, a few days passed by and I wasn't contacted on when and where to start the job.
In the past, I would have been a bundle of nerves. I would have despaired and been very angry at being let down, or I would think that this individual was not being very professional, or many other like judgments. However this time, I stated to the Universe that I was not that desperate for any job (that's to say, I didn't have a need for this particular job, even if it was my dream job). And this was a very powerful place to be because it meant that I had released control of the outcome.
In the past, I would have been going through all the possible what-if scenarios; I would have adopted the victim attitude and felt sorry for myself. I would believe that that the Universe had it in for me, again, etc. We all do it! Very disempowering thoughts.
However, this time, I stated to the Universe that I would not give it a second thought! (Literally - since thoughts are energy). Because my energy is mine to give or not to give as I consider it right or not.
As it happens, I actually worked out later on that I might have materialized this missed-opportunity in my life from a faulty or not-in-integrity belief, such as my root chakra vibrating at a survival level or my prostitute archetype not being completely integrated. I know that one person who had fallen into this lady's trap was owed about $2500 and he was suing her, and he was one among the many.
What happened to me is that this potential old lesson didn't fit in my higher vibratory field and it only showed itself, but didn't attach itself to me. Basically, it would have been a very painful lesson in the past but now, it was just something that touched the external part of my out-reach circle of protection, my boundary. There was not a vibrational match, so it didn't anchor itself in my reality.
I turned my old thinking off and I stated: “From now on, I only work with people with integrity”.
Then I thought that the Universe was giving me the present of letting me know that my writing was ready for the world that somebody was prepared to pay me for my services as a writer and sub-editor, therefore I could visualize myself at this level.
Finally, I knew that if this opportunity had been aborted it meant that at some level it was not in my best interest for spiritual growth, so I told myself that something better was on its way to me.
It was a lesson in self-acceptance: I stated to myself that I will accept my creation, exactly as it is, even when I don't understand it or when it doesn't seem to be a positive one.
And so, one can see, that we are free to choose our thoughts and that our attitude shape our destiny.
I command the energy of my thoughts is a statement or affirmation that I used for quite a while and I will continue to use until my whole psyche has shifted into this new level of personal power and spiritual understanding.
Maybe not very comforting for the ego… but truly very liberating!
Article from my book “Advanced Healing: Energy Discussions for Leading Light-workers”.
“In this book I discuss many advanced concepts of energy integration, evolution, personal power and spiritual awareness, all framed within experiences in my life. It is rather common to encounter problems in our daily living. Some of them may be considered small, inconvenient or plainly unpleasant, such as the television set breaking; other can be rather serious, such as a grave illness or important disagreements among family members, which can (and do!) damage relationships and destroy peoples’ happiness. I have, over many years of spiritual training, learnt quite a few ways to deal with the challenges that the Universe so often throws upon us in order to test our level of personal power and spiritual awareness. As we succeed at handling these tests, or not, we will be shown the way whether we are ready to move up the ladder to effortlessness and abundance or whether we must remain in our current level of struggle and self-denial. The intention is to integrate the whole psyche and shift it into a new level of personal power and spiritual understanding fit for the times we are living in… truly very liberating!”
Copyright ? Dr Ana Garcia PhD, DTM (2003 – 2019)
All rights reserved. No portion(s) of this book can be copied, used or reproduced for any manner without the expressed written consent of Dr Ana Garcia.