Are they coming via wormholes?
The search for God has been going on for the past some million years. Especially in recent times, during the Covid-19. Each individual is turning to various Gods to protect us from Covid. And it seems every God is failing them in a big way.
Even in this 21st Century, when Elon Musk is about to make the much-awaited interstellar leap to Mars, and NASA is planning to make Moon an intergalactic gas station, a major chunk of humanity is still searching for God. Still praying to God to lift them from all their miseries. Still going to churches, temples, mosques, still killing people in the name of religion, still thinking that there is some invisible power making us do what HE wants. Still think we can attain moksha, jannat or heaven, if we do exactly what our priests and holy books tell us to do.
Coming back to why I think this is some sort of a preparation of a “Contact”. With Covid completely breaking their egos to pieces, the Homo sapiens may have now attained some humility to meet someone much, much bigger than themselves. They could be now ready to meet their fellow galactic neighbors. Which is why, maybe in 2020 God has finally woken up from his frustrated slumber, that there is still hope for mankind, and has set up a conference up there with all the gods, and they have discussed how to introduce mankind to something much, much bigger than themselves.
Beyond the edge!
Some wormholes may be “traversable”, which means that humans may be able to travel through them. For that though, they would need to be sufficiently large and fight with the force of gravity, which tries to crush them. To push spacetime outward in this way would require huge amounts of “negative energy”.
Sounds like the movie, Contact? Exactly! We know that negative energy exists, small amounts of which have already been produced in the lab. We also know that negative energy is behind the universe’s accelerated expansion. So, nature may have found a way to make wormholes.
However, this kind of trip through the wormhole, though historic, wouldn’t be a pleasant one. As it is so close to the center of an active galaxy, the high temperature would burn everything to a crisp. Unless we devise an ultra-heat resistant spaceship, which could shelter our astronomers.
Parallel universes in science fiction
The idea of portals and wormholes was first explored way back 1865 in Lewis Carroll’s Alice in Wonderland, that became enormously influential in popular culture and fantasy literature over the years.
Alice, a seven-year-old girl, feeling bored and drowsy while sitting on the riverbank with her elder sister, notices a talking, clothed white rabbit with a pocket watch run past. She follows it down a rabbit hole (this is perhaps where the phrase “rabbit’s hole” originates), where she suddenly falls a long way to a curious hall with many locked doors of all sizes. She finds a little key to a door too small for her to fit through, but through it, she sees an attractive garden. She then discovers a bottle on a table labelled “DRINK ME”, the contents of which cause her to shrink too small to reach the key which she had left on the table. She subsequently eats a cake labelled “EAT ME” in currants as the chapter closes.
Author Lewis Carroll is actually a mathematician and his real name is Charles Lutwidge Dodgson. Dodgson came from a family of Anglicans, and developed a long relationship with Christ Church, Oxford, where he lived for most of his life as a scholar and teacher.
This work has never been out of print and has been translated into at least 97 languages. Its ongoing legacy encompasses many adaptations for stage, screen, radio, art, ballet, theme parks, board games and video games.
The possibility of life on other planets and universes has been explored thoroughly in films like #StarTrek, Stargate, #avengers and the #Justice Leagues. However, the more we learn about our universe in reality, the more we see science fiction turning to ‘science fact’.
The idea is pervasive in comic books, video games, television and movies. Franchises ranging from Buffy the Vampire Slayer to Star Trek to Doctor Who to Digemon use the idea to extend plotlines.
Marvel Comics and DC Comics feature stories set in parallel universes that are part of the multiverse.
Many anime series, such as Digimon, Dragon Ball and Sonic the Hedgehog feature alternate versions of their characters from other universes.
Physicists are now trying to work out a way that it might be feasible to send someone through a wormhole. Normally it would be impossible to pass something through them, but factoring in an extra dimension might make it possible. This is where our future robots would come in handy, I propose strongly, who would pave way for humans later.
That is the science of the parallel universe, which seems quite a possibility as we are at the brink of discovering it. It’s just like a video game designed by some ultra-intelligence power — keeping the super-elusive “bounties” hidden in different edges and various realms of the universe, for man to discover them one by one so as to reach the next level of civilization!
Are you as excited as I am writing this right now? I am so excited that my back is has been straight for the last four hours, and I am not at all tired.
Excerpts from WtF I Found God, now in India (Flipkart) at an unbelievable low price! Check it out!